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Residents in USA have a peaceful protest for mom arrested in the park in front of her children

Published on 24 Apr 2020 / In Non-profits & Activism

⁣After been arrested the residents gather outside the officers home her arrested her. I think this is a very good example at why societies and local communities work together and as the say in the video "nip in in the bud". I think this is a very good start and if this was too happen all around the world, we would have a better place to live and raise families in.

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BitHound 5 years ago

It is just a matter of time before these peaceful protests escalate into something else.... people have had enough of these power trippin cops..... and when it starts the excuse of "I was just doing my job isn't gonna work" and may God have mercy on those who choose the wrong side.

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 5 years ago

This is actually not done by the people and done covertly. Infiltrated then destroyed within. Think george soros and antifa for example. i personally think your right. how far is a piece of string? We are not communities like in this video but individuals all cramped up in a concrete jungle. There is only dog eat dog in 99% of the populous. If you look at china that is the model for the rest of the world. There are fights between 2 classes of people and have been for over a few years now. Sympathetic brainwashed statist bat soup eating simpleton or the people who want freedom. this has created a massive age war and i see this happening in UK too. A lot of the older folk have already lived life and don'y give a flying fuck what they leave behing for everyone else. This nihlistic selfish attittude will create a massive divide naturally. Apathy and selfish escapism against tyranny and oppression.This video shows that with a close community, this stuff is less likely to happen, infiltrators too. a society is a hard nut to crack and that is why the powers that shouldn't be have used feminism along with disney to destroy the family unit. no families no societies. a break down of social cohesion. This has been planned for thousands of years. Just whack the police in roman armour and give them a few crosses and spears. there you have it. modern police

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Johnny_Cage 5 years ago

@AmanleyLoad: You're 1000% correct on these older selfish POS motherfuckers that could care less about the future of the world. They only think about themselves, that they get their massive pensions and benefits (regardless if it destroys the greatest, richest, free-est nation in history that their PARENTS took to the pinnacle), and otherwise just shit around in sloth and pointless/poisonous/extremely expensive medication (that they wouldn't need if they were so lazy and fucking stupid). A lot of my generation (Millennial) and Gen Z do not look upon the Boomers and Gen X'ers with kind eyes at all. Most of these people never reached full maturity themselves or ever really did anything to preserve or give back to the nation. Serving in the military as a mercenary is a gray area and depends on the intention and the heart. Anyway, theseold fucks don't care what happens to the country or their children, as long as they get taken care of until they die.

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 5 years ago

@Johnny_Cage: Im a millennial... just about.... exactly! exactly! Aslong as theirs food in their bellies they dont care about kids when they grow up. being a parent or family member never stops, as you get older, your supposed to be the wise one everyone goes too but nowadays as you said, they just spout out statist bollocks because we will have to fight the wars... not them

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