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[Response] Woman Realises She Will Never Find A Man, And She Is Not Happy

Published on 21 Sep 2021 / In Film & Animation

Even though I don't date or even want a fefail ever again? I think Taylor has exceled himself with thisa one? I found it interesting. Take the 19 year old who looks like a profile of a Jumbo Jet Cockpit, and wants to be a Cock Pit I guess! lol!. she is typical of todays fefail. she wants a boyfrind but she doesn't want a boyfriend! lol! What she means is she wants a Barbie "KEN" she can pull out of her TOY BOX, when SHE wants him! If the Guy let's call him "KEN"! wants something more or the fefail tghinks he is getting to close, she will shouot herself in the foot and go all out to avoid him/ - And they say MEN are the problem why they cant get a RelationSHIT? MGTOW is freedom Gentlement, for get the fefail and enhance and enjoy your OWN solitary Life. I did and it's the best shit that has ever happened to me.

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AtillaTheHung 3 years ago

Never spend too much time worrying about women and how they think. Men are the center of the universe for women and they must orbit around us or they're just debris floating around in space. Never feel sorry for women, they're exactly where they belong in their lives based on the discipline and choices they make. We are not responsible for anything that happens to them so never waste any energy worrying about them.

My philosophy when dealing with women is to just enjoy them in the moment of time when I'm dealing with them and let them return to whatever place they came from. I only surround myself with women who serve my needs or have a purpose that's useful to me in the moment or else I don't shine my light in their direction. Maybe a better way to describe how I view women is kind of like a nice bottle of wine. I open it, I enjoy the fragrance, I consume it enjoying everything it gives to me in the moment, and then I take the used bottle out to the garbage and dispose of it. I don't cry over that bottle of wine being consumed, I don't worry about what's going to happen to the used bottle, and I have zero fear about being able to get another bottle of wine that's just as good as the last one I just drank.

Never have a scarcity mentality in life when it comes to women. There are 3.6 billion vaginas wandering around on planet Earth and for the most part, they're all about the same. Enjoy them at your leisure, but always protect your seed and your happiness, but realize that like a bottle of wine, you'll consume the best parts of them and then move on to new ones that you can enjoy. If you're going monk mode, then do the same with female friends and only keep around the ones that bring value into your life.

Always remember that no good deed ever goes unpunished when dealing with women so limit the amount of time and expense in doing anything for them, and then you'll realize that women will have much more respect for you because you will have demonstrated that they aren't worth much which they all secretly know.

God bless brothers!

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mrghoster 3 years ago

What a Fantastic Philosophy, never thought of it like that before? I'm Monk Mode but I'm no hermit, I'll be pleasant to those who are pleasant to me, even women. The only thing with wqomen is you have to keep your guard up? I do have set rules relating to them as I have set rules about money and staying out of debt, my health and so on. but I do unto other's what they do to me if needs be!

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AtillaTheHung 3 years ago

@mrghoster: I've trained myself to have apathy when it comes to women. If they're there in front of me fine, and they're not, that's fine too. In my heart I know I'm much happier without a woman around because i like my life the way it is and with me controlling everything. After being married once and living with a couple of women at different stages of my life, I know exactly what they're all about. I jut like my happiness more than I care about what a woman thinks. It keeps my life nice, simple, and peaceful especially with all the crazy shit with the government and stripping of rights, the last thing I would want is a nagging woman in my life

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mrghoster 3 years ago

@AtillaTheHung: Exactly my views as well. Being alone and liking being alone as well, makes coping with all this freedom issue shit really easy to get round because their isn't some spanner around to drop herself into your works, if you see what I mean? I love the freedom of doing WTF I like when I like and not needing permission or Validation to my character or interest's.

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mrghoster 3 years ago

@AtillaTheHung: Women once actually had a lot of freedom when they were housewivesw and such, but to day it is the MAN who REALLY has the freedom? I learned an important word that doesn't get you into situations, that word short as it is can be very powerful? simply say "NO" saying Yes can come with consequences, saying NO doesn't, saying NO gives you OPTIONS?

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