[Response] You Are The Problem Feminist Loses Her Mind At Men Who Disagree With Her
Published on 01 Sep 2021 / In
Film & Animation
Tyhe title of this does say "feminist losing her mind" That happened a long time ago! Taylor Mirror
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We are at that point, in society...
Society will devolve into chaos when enough men turn their backs.
We are at that point, in society... to turn and walk. Let them have their 'no men'.
She needs a african american man to set her straight
4:50 If you women think you don't "NEED" men, Work the oil fields, coal mines, train yards, refineries.
5:00 If men did not exist, there would be no food in the stores, and no electricity to preserve them, and since YOU would have to struggle to find enough food every day, YOU wouldn't be so FAT.
So MEN made you FAT.
I'm NOT sorry honey. You made up your mind about me, and my being guilty of WHATEVER you've imagined.
So... If I'm already part of "THE PROBLEM" then fuck off, I don't care. I wouldn't stand up for you, to piss on you.
Turns out spoiling women equals spoiling lives. Who knew?