Retrofuturistic women from the 50s Panavision 50 AI art Film Retro dream
Published on 09 Nov 2024 / In
Film & Animation
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they really got the smile down, some are a bit over done, but many of them look real nice, they look like real women.
At about 6:12 there is an obvious finger issue. I think showing hand gestures may be one of the ways people will still see AI give itself away the easiest. The smiles and faces are amazing, though their mouths all look very similar. The uncanny valley isn't a problem with faces and eyes like it used to be.
Random woke women in America: "Why are they all Huwhite!?"
Meanwhile these woke consumers are obsessed with having the newest shiniest tech thing like the smartphone. It's the same reason. White women are the shiniest.
Yeah... let's see those titties and assets... AI huh?
Notice the classy music and therefore the women here have class. Even the negro ones are cute and fem here. Unlike the 'Wet Ass Pussy' music culture of real life that makes me a sad panda and tarnishes all cultures of women.
Now here ya go Keeper you'll like this. Take these women, add Fallout music, then Vault suits with zipped down cleavage, Vault suit bikinis, old school diner, maybe some high heel roller skates. If Bethesda wanted to create the number one game series that would sell more than any other game series in history.
Have you seen Brotherhood of Steel on PS2? It's a stupid style of game but it had some good fanservice. I like Patty the blonde vault waifu. She is sort of like Samus in blue bikini.
You're going all out with the AI woman SFW pron now. Nice! This AI is getting good. I just hope it makes OnlyFans hoes homeless as this AI continues to improve.