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RFK Jr Going Scorched Earth On the CIA's Culpability for the Covid-Crime Against Humanity

Published on 13 Apr 2023 / In Film & Animation

Remember, RFK jr is running for the Democratic nominee. He will win, for the simple reason that nobody will show up to debate him. They can't. How could they? They have no answers they can give, because they're all guilty as shit.

Some believe that JFK jr is still alive and involved with the Q-Operation. If so, then this is most certainly a big part of the plan. In fact, it's a checkmate move. Just imagine the debate with Trump. Everything is going to come out. It's gonna be EPIC

I have a bunch of court dates coming up, so I've not had the time to shoot a report lately. Sorry about that, but if you'd like to support this channel, here's the link https://givesendgo.com/sonofenos

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