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Rhetoric Is Onsided & Ok Until You Are A Victim Of It Yourself

Published on 16 Jul 2024 / In Entertainment

Most times I livestream using

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KEEPER 7 months ago

question, how do you dox someone who has already doxxed themselves?
serious question, like i see so many people use this word incorrectly that it boggles the mind how they could get this basic understanding so wrong.

like if you are a public personality who not only shows your face but also shares your name, the information about you from that point moving forward is only public information, so doxxing in this context doesn't make any sense, now if you had your information hidden and you were not in the public view and took strides to hide your face and name from the public and someone found out your identity and then shared it to people, that counts as doxxing because it was never meant to go public, the whole reason it was hidden was to prevent such a situation, it's like people are taking crazy pills and they get this understanding wrong every time.

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