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Ribby's Party Pond #5: Smash Or Pass - Goth Girls Edition!

Published on 12 Nov 2023 / In Entertainment
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Toki 1 year ago

Before I watch this I have no idea who the tsundere is on the far right side thumbnail. Batman series? Looks sort of like Bloodrayne.
The one in the middle have an interesting hourglass to be sure. But I see the American style art face and it hurts. Just from the thumbnail I say Raven wins because she's sort of a monstergirl with lovely colors.
Have you ever heard the cringe activists say "people of color." Yeah that's the anime master race. So colorful and beautiful. Followed by real Caucasian people being the realistic people of color. They have the most varied color features so jokes on them. Natural color, not women's fake weave and contacts.

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Toki 1 year ago

Yes! Please let this become a series. It's way better than your thot roast shorts. You are hilarious no doubt. But I want to look at superior anime women. I'm one of those anime-only types when it comes to women. Some Western characters are good as well but mostly from the past of course. I just like colorful women. Like Raven with the grey-purple skin, purple hair and eyes, and hopefully purple landing strip to match. I know if I made my own Raven in Honey Select it would be a good time. Quite sure she already exists as a card mod you just have to download and drop in a folder to load her in. As well as the red diamond for her forehead. I guarantee someone already spent hours perfecting it. Instead of wasting time dating real whores :D

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