Richard Heart Vs Tiffm
Published on 21 Mar 2023 / In
Film & Animation
They both have the same mannersisms of always believeing themsleves to be the smartest while simultaneously saying that orher people are smarter than them, but only the ones they approve of.
Main difference is that richard heart is actually rich(tiffm claims he doesnt care about being rich but just said last stream doesnt want to be broke again) actually made other people rich(tiffm people send him death threats for making them lose money) and actually left the usa. (like tiffm planned to do but failed to do) but sure tiffm is smart. summer oil will go to the moon and cbdc will be released.
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He's a finance guy. Crypto is a threat to him because it doesn't have the barriers to entry his profession has. It's a threat on his radar, he has to bad-mouth it because money spent speculating on crypto is money not spent speculating on the assets he's familiar with.
He has uniformly negative takes on it. If it appreciates, it's fake. If it drops, it hasn't dropped enough. It's clear to every thinking man that he is not someone to listen to on the topic of crypto.
But also, none of this is going to change.