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Richard Tice- What we have witnessed in Rochdale is DEEPLY DISTURBING

Published on 01 Mar 2024 / In Film & Animation

Well watch out UK you are about to get "PAKI" bashed by islam if your not careful! lol! Richard Tise (Reform UK) has his say and a good one as well on the Rochdale Election fiasco. I WILL vote Reform UK at the election, but they better do something quick if they win? otherwise I wont be voting ever again. I will just right across the voting slip "Nothing here for me" if they don't have a candidate running. Appaerently evrty ward and area is supposed to be having a reform UK candidate, so I hope I don't have to spoil my voting slip? As a WHITE MALE there doesn't seem to be anything left in this CUNTry except for oppressing, noticing it every day now when foreigners queue jump , get seen or delbt with first even thought hey dragged their shitty arses in AFTER you have already been waiting 15 minute. This is why I don't contribute a JOT to society now, spent all my life struggling for this corrupt system that has finally shafted us ALL up the ares and for what? NOTHING!

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In a CUNTry or CUNT TREE voting doesn't matter its all an illusion and I believe they won't do anything to change for the better because those that actually run UGAY don't want it to prosper or thrive they want it to fall and submit.

Voting for a "PARTY" or Politician is a Farce and nothing ever changes for the better or for the Good where they are concerned.

Godbless and Godspeed \G/

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bigintol03 11 months ago

Even from an American standpoint this doesn't look good!

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