Right to travel court fraud case exposed, and won.
He was facing 4 years in jail according to the alleged judge, He walked out of court, did not pay any fees to the court and under threat and duress agreed to un supervised probation where he agreed to have his truck searched (that is the only thing he agreed to). No jury found him guilty of anything, so there was no conviction or sentencing.
This video shows the fraud of the Court system and the treason and rebellion against the rights of people gaurunteed by the Constituiton. It also shows what was done to stop the abuse by the Clerk of the Court, the District Attorney and the alleged Judge. They refused to file documents, refused to respond to documents, the Appellate court refused to rebut the Writ of Prohibition filed. No jurisdiction was ever shown to exist, and no court of record was ever established. No contract with the court was ever entered into, and Averill (judge) claimed in open court "You cant opt out of the system" in response to refusing to file Gary's county recorder file stamped Affidavit of non U.S. Citizenship and supporting court cases on his right to travel. Gary was looking at 4 years in jail, walked out with unsupervised probation limited to one issue.
Filed: Affidavit to Abate, Habeas Corpus, Counterclaim, Judicial Performance ciminal complaint, Subpoena to Attorney General to testify to Constitutionality of Codes (refused by A.G.) and Motion to Quash.
Immafreemanns advice: Never refuse to sign ticket, sign ticket non-assumpsit or no-contract or under protest. If you refuse, cop will take you to jail and the pain starts. If not in jail, you dont pay bail, don't go to immediate arraignment where ordered to plea, dont have public defender who waives all your rights ordered to represent the DEFENDANT, and once you pay bail they can take your money but without bail you can refuse to show up and instead file your paperwork requiring abatement and your Habeas Corpus and state your refusal to have any party represent you, prove your right to defend yourself and not be "re-presented" or be forced to agree to "re-present the DEFENDANT". Notice the routine scheme to force a PublicDefender on you immediately who then waives all rights? File your affidavits of fact and make the record by getting file stamped copies, shows their intent to commit fraud later when they refuse to rebut them and proceed without jurisdiction. Then any orders given can be countered with a writ of error or a void judgment for a failure to prove jurisdiction. Do your homework get a copy of everything in your file 15 days after being accussed and prove no warrant or probable cause hearing had taken place, or any sworn complaint by a first hand witness exists in the record, and get a copy of the Docket also showing same. Take a witness if possible who then files an affidavit of no swown witness oath (in front of another) alleging you commited a crime was in the record at the court.
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