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Riots conversation

Published on 31 May 2020 / In People & Blogs

today video I talk about the riots

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mrghoster 5 years ago

freedom has been subverted, what they have done has been caught out at long last, now we have to fight for our freedom back. If we don't then we are finished?

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mrghoster 5 years ago

This is ALL a PLANNEDemic, there is NO virus this is about control and restriction. But the fuck wit pleb public have bought into the lie for so many decades now they cant think for themselves out of FEAR of it they do what will happen. I lost any form of FEAR when I accepted the worst than can happen to a human in this life is DEATH. i don't know what is beyond death, but if there is nothing so be it, if there is a whole new adventure (The view I take) then why FEAR anything this peace of shit life throws at you. My life was always a struggle until i dumped off all the convention and as many of the rules and laws I can avoid. Life is pretty damned good even if very basic in nature for me. Let them do their worst, BUT I will still always be better than out oppressors? I'm Stoic and ready for anything.Peace.

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mrghoster 5 years ago

The same in the UK Ken, Lock down will end now, lock down will end next week then next month. The latest one in the UK is from Monday the 1st June 2020, having sex with someone you don't live in the same house with is now illegal, a Crime, As a MGTOW it doesn't actually effect me but you can see where they may go with this/ i think the source was the Guardian News feed. It is kind of a feather in the cap for MGTOW but it will be interesting to see how tjhis works out long term? they will probably try to TAX sex eventually? All I can say is I'm due a fucking large REBATE! lol! Stay call buddy.

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mrghoster 5 years ago

If Politicians and Police treat people like Caged Animals, expect us to behave like animals. there are one or two who may like to go out and start a riot, but i think for the best part descent people regardless of status wealth or race can get pushed to a point where enough is enough. I think some of this enforced imprisonment or what THEY cal Lock down is aimed at preventing this riot thing, It ain't gonna' work, because people then have a bolt hole they can work out from and return to. If you wanted to be a cop say? would you want the stress of standing in a row being shouted down by people? the only peopel that become cops these days are Psychopaths looking for a fight and to be able to bosss people about because it cover's their own human failings!

I'm in the UK and don't know who Mr Floyd was? someone said he was a porn star or something? well if he was he had more DICK than those cop's in the riot's.

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finkster 5 years ago

People, BROTHERS !, if you want to get behind these events use this 'lock down' to research. Here are some pointers - Bill Gates 'virus' patent. I'll say that again VIRUS PATENT, to which he just happens to have the antidote through a digitally tagged vaccination program . THAT IS AN INJECTED MICROCHIP FFS - Research Faucci funding WHO and CCP. 5G roll out in Wuhan and the similar effects of high end 5G on the respiratory system to 'covid19. That's why 5G towers have been taken out. The whole event is a planned depopulation program which has been intercepted like it or not by your current administration. America has been sold out to Communist China. This is the ongoing battle and end game. Stay safe, wise up. LOVE and PEACE from UK.

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