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Published on 05 Oct 2021 / In Film & Animation

patrice o'neal

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If you can upload a whole file - it would be better. Split files in very small parts = a lot of running around.

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brownzombie 3 years ago

surely let me find it

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@brownzombie: I have the Ford Translation of Mein Kampf - which in m4a is not uploadable to this or any other site and it's sequentially in 29 parts.... coming to 360 meg all up, but converted into MP3 - and joined with the artwork, it's 760 Meg... and from my place it's hard to upload much because of the network, and converting it to mp4 - is a fucking nightmare and the file is 1.6 Gig... Uggghhhhhhhh....... As an Audiobook, it runs for 26 hours, and if Adolf Hitler was viewed as a teacher at a university, well he does have some great ideas and he was quite worldly..... but ALL of his policies and ideas were solely orientated towards uniting the German peoples and going to war against the communists and indeed everyone they could ride roughshod over.... So raising a nation of strong, fit, trained youth, as the next generation, were also the next generation of warriors to fulfill this ambition. So if you consider that ousting all the weak minded communists from society and creating a strong nation is a good thing - it's just that it's what came after this that is the matter of contention, based upon where you stood on such issues and what your expectations were. Either way he crushed all who opposed him and he got shit done..... AND he was totally vitriolic about the betrrayal of the german people by the sleazes in the german media, so without endorsing or taking one side or the other, he is certainly an excellent source of ideas and information of what to do and what not to do. Although he and his cronies were thieving lying scum, they dealt with all the other thieving lying spineless scum in the political arena in their own home turf first.

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brownzombie 3 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: please put it up on bitchute and peertube and odyssey , odyssey is great , i also have 2 accounts on peertube , but recently putting all my stuff only on MGTOW.TV, its out site , i am also looking into but i don't like these red-pilled CUCKS like THE BULLDOG MINDSET over there , thats why i think this is my only refuge and the community is also supportive including loveable viewers and content creatros like you sir

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