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Rise of the Automatons 1913 A Brief Overview

Published on 15 Sep 2024 / In Film & Animation


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Heavyhand 3 days ago


Thank you for your post.

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It's a nice bit of "make believe" - revisionist history etc.

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clivemcd 2 days ago

Yeah this is incredible. I often wonder how much of WW2 history is real.

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sbseed 2 days ago

@clivemcd: nothing shown here lol, some of it is real, some of it is bloated facts and the rest is just plain propaganda and lies... like the whole holohoax bullshit and that being the start of WW2.

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sbseed 3 days ago

wonder if they used gronk AI for this short...
the artifacting is pretty bad in spots but overall it still interesting...

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Yeah... It's pretty damned good actually.

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How do you mean "bad" and in which spots... It's AI generated, and cause I like OLD photos and film, of things being done and or made, I thought the images were fantastic....

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sbseed 3 days ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: bad in that the wheels/tracts slide sideways and extra parts appear and disapear like the spokes on all the wagon tanks/personnel carriers etc. the robots move oddly and the soldier do not act right and nothing the faces are blotchy at best.

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sbseed 3 days ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: oh and the guns apparently only blow steam lol

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@sbseed: Yeah I noticed the sliding on the tracked things... like they are battle tanks on ice too. Still it is a bit hard holding a modern war, of 1913 in 2024, with global warming - when everything has iced over.

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@sbseed: So how are your plans for world domination coming along? Re The Millionaire Mind and the Millionaire Next Door.

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@sbseed: Millionaire Next Door Audio Book 01 --------- https://www.mgtow.tv/v/xDmf9H --------- The Millionaire Mind Audio Book 02 --------- https://www.mgtow.tv/v/jqRmKK

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sbseed 2 days ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: i tried to watch them but they are so damned long they after a while they stop working... no plans for wold dommination just yet lol... most of what they said was platitudes and 'highminded' stuff and the rest of it was stuff i already do, or am trying to do (from what i was able to watch/listen to).

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@sbseed: Can you download them and then convert them to medium quality MP3? The other option is to just play them in the back ground while doing other things...

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