RNLI In BIG Trouble
Published on 29 Aug 2023 / In
Film & Animation
The RNLI is fucked like3 most charities, I no longer like many charities that are now woke get a penny from me in donations. Rhe RNLI is vulinterry, they don't get a penny of support from thew UK governement yet they run illegals int the UK like a Taxi Service. I thought People Trafficing was a CRIME? nope fuckem' they can go0 the way of the Dodo as far as I'm concerned. I used to support thyemn because I was born to an Island Nation, but the UK has become a holding ground for the worst of the plaqnets ASSHOLES and ME a WGITE ENGLISH born MALE has been discarded infavor or Foreign invaders by the back door and Gynocentric Matriarchal dominance, and I'm just expoected tyoo take that? FUCK OFF!
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