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Robots Will Replace Women? - MGTOW

Published on 09 Jun 2021 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Brian and here's what he has to say: "Hey sandman, I believe I might have an relatively interesting topic, we’ve had a life coaching session before and I remember you showing me what the loverbot would look like. Recently on steam I got a game called VRchat, I was memeing around in the game until I encountered one player who mentioned an app called lovense, what it does is that it allows for partners toys to connect to each other, and they can feel the motion of their partner as if they are having sex in person. I think their might be limits to this. What I’m curious about Sandman is that instead of focusing on the loverbot why not just focus on vr for your virtual sex system? There are already haptic suits for vr where you can feel the touch and vibrations of another person. Anyways sandman have a good day and I hope that your condition gets better with your silent reflux. Well Brian thanks for the donation and topic. I'm not 100% sure I've had silent reflux. Most likely it's at least partially a food allergy. Once I removed the foods the post nasal drip was gone. It's been awesome three and a half years and no so called reflux symptoms. But now something is changing and it may be actual reflux because there has been burning in my chest and gas. It seems to be stress related. So I've been trying very hard to reduce my stress so I don't get any new allergies and issues. As for the topic I'll walk you through my logic. I started wanting to use virtual reality and augmented reality and project 3d Rendered women with AI on a green doll and then allow guys to sleep with it and it would look exactly like a real woman. I was sorely disappointed with the technology. It probably won't be ready for another five to ten years at least. So I kept working to reduce my virtual sex systems' complexity one step at a time and also realized that no matter how lifelike and sexy the doll is guys want to interact with a real woman in one form or another. I'll discuss why robots will actually never replace real women in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lord Bogdanoff: Anyways, now back to the Sandman's master plan to rule the world clown world show. Brian your ideas are all really good. I've already traveled down those roads. The first thing I did was head off to a company that photographs people with fifty to one hundred cameras simultaneously and compiles a 3d image of them and then uses a 3d printer to print their heads and bodies and you can purchase tiny statues that are 3d printed that look like you. I was going to use their services and photograph a nude woman and have her image that I could work with to put into an augmented reality system that would allow the user to put on the glasses and have her projected on a doll. Another problem I ran into is that Augmented reality like Hololens and now Hololens 2 have issues when projecting onto a real object. There tends to be a lag. At least there was with hololens 1. It would mean the projected woman on a doll would not pass the uncanny valley test.

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WMHarrison94 4 years ago

I can not wait for it: Sandman photogenic Virtual CatHouse where men find and empty their balls! Sorry, No whiny soyboys allowed! There will be a link for Soyboys and Twinks to Grinder vR.

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sauger1001 4 years ago

Imagination is nearly ALWAYS more expensive than reality. Just ask any "Disney princess", aka MOST "strong and brave" modern waah?man.

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eldrazi317 4 years ago

That’s why it requires a little thibg called intelligence. Both creativity and intelligence are used to solve problems.

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anonmachina 4 years ago

I had to do a double-take of the thumbprint—the woman looks exactly like one I knew (except the other one was darker after getting some sun). Perhaps that is her. She was such a whore.

But after pausing, that was quite some time ago. She is probably crying in her bed everynight, boxed wine in hand, for letting herself become riddled with disease and the consequential sterility.

Yes, easy on the eyes she was.

But...she was also Waaaay too easy.

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JohnnyBlaze 4 years ago

I dono... i only care about pleasing the girl when i have feelings for her... if theres no feelings i dont care

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JustinPeanuts 4 years ago

Love bots will not replace women, however, they will give straight men another option.

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