Ronald Reagan's "A Time for Choosing" speech October 27, 1964
Published on 22 Jun 2022 / In
Film & Animation
Full Title: Ronald Reagan's "A Time for Choosing speech for Barry Goldwater campaign on October 27, 1964 before a televised audience
Production Date: 10/27/1964
Access Restriction(s):Unrestricted
Use Restriction(s):Unrestricted
Contact(s): Ronald Reagan Library (LP-RR), 40 Presidential Drive, Simi Valley, CA 93065-0600
Phone: 800-410-8354, Fax: 805-577-4074, Email:
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cancel all the programs give the money to the citizens equally and let free market rule the day.. nay, govt wants to guide the money to their friends and themselves imo.. Reagan the beginning of globalism.. spending huge money in foreign countries.. build infrastructure so wallstreet could relocate our factories there.. this is the truth as I watched it happen.. Reagan for wallstreet and against America.. He started the blatant ripoff imo.. my guess he read the speeches and didn't even run things. People believe in people and then end up screwed.. anti-worker pro wallstreet against unions was their war cry.. wallstreet is a union for rich people pooling their money for more power in their self interests.. using government funds to benefit themselves in the ridiculously called free market..