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Published on 07 Feb 2021 / In People & Blogs

She IS an A-hole, but not how you think.

Post: ⁣https://www.reddit.com/r/AmIth....eAsshole/comments/lc

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bsga22 4 years ago

The part about his taking the doll around just feels fake. I don't spend time on reddit anymore but I feel like I would have seen people talking about this if it was happening in the states.

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LongRedRoad 4 years ago

not a real post, but it is a good chance to learn about options, and no no's for men.

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OniriumSage 4 years ago

Red the post. As an empath sensitive enough to tell the tone from that last period you typed on FB Messenger, that reddit chick is SOOOOOO playing the "have mercy on me, I'm just a mistreated girt that wants to do a good deed" victim/social warrior BS card !!! Here's the skinny. FlEshlight. You heard of them, right? Little hand-held silicone thingies you use for cheap fun-time? Would she, the refuser, minded one of those ? Surely NOT !!! The game is, if baby-boy is attached to his plastic babe, lady good-doer HAS A HARD TIME CONTROLLING the little slobberer.
That's the issue. Fake GF breaks her mind-games at emotional level. So, she spins some reddit tabloidos to get tittie army to so shame by replies the little silly sillicone lolita lover, that he breaks and gives in to her non-magical witch-ways. That's all the game. The "look, dude, everybody here says you really have a problem" magic trick. In narcissism, it is known as "using flying monkeys".
MUUUCH harder would have been, if plastic babe was a bot you could actually hang out in a friends group with.
She'd have never had a chance then.

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