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RP/MGTOW Jackboot Volunteers

Published on 06 Dec 2020 / In People & Blogs
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Monkstyle 4 years ago

Yeah...stasi shit. People don't know history. Subbed and belled?

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MexicanMarauder 4 years ago

"You're gonna have a bad day". LOL.

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GoogleSucks 4 years ago

Just when we thought Cuckifornia cannot possibly get any worse, it does. The Grewsom-Newsance total lockdowns are in over 40 counties, over two-thirds of our wondrous Peoples' Republic. The Karen squads in Pasadena are only one small step, a very short distance actually, to Brown Shirts for all of us. Still difficult to believe it's really come to this. While I could clearly see this coming, eventually, I previously thought it was something for after I was dead and gone. No; it's here right now, with the full stop dystopian nightmare, 1984 style, right before us.

The Branch Covidian cult is bad news, because there are so many of them. It's not the overlords with Napoleonic cravings, with their fervent dream of creating an outright Orwellian dystopian nightmare, who are the problem by themselves. Recent poll data shows 30% of Dumbericans believe catching a case of the sniffles is essentially a death sentence. Sadly, the constant fear-mongering and propaganda does work.

The only positive I see is that historically this kind of shit can not only inspire the putting on of hockey masks, it can provoke bringing out the torches and pitchforks. Still hard for me to believe we're right here right now at a point where this might be necessary. It's hard to tell; with everything and so many people so coocoo for coco puffs it all can be difficult to read at time. While I hope I'm wrong, I have a bad feeling things are going to get ugly, very ugly and very soon. Hate to have to say this.

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