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RP/MGTOW The Angry Mobs Are Slowly Forming

Published on 08 Dec 2020 / In People & Blogs

⁣The sparks are about to light the fuse.


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edssmog 4 years ago

The numbers projected are an approximation of who will take the vaccine for the great delete

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sauger1001 4 years ago

Well, it simply means Gavin "Bang Your Wife" Newsom (Jericho Green) knows the Truth, and as long as the "Cuckifornians" choose to stay stuck on stupid, and realize the China Virus (Trump) won't be prevented by wearing a mask (while the politicians are eating in restaurants in non socialist run locales), they can expect things to get worse. Cucked men are the worst, and deserve their fate.

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nest006 4 years ago

I saw the trader and her staff being shut down while the Hollywood tents 50 yards away were good to go. If you like this situation you are a 2020's Brown Shirt. Congratulations, and you get to bury the ones shot before you.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

looks like reality will prove out my opinion that women are just stupid people.. heh and the real source of our problems lies elsewhere.. i.e not the feminuts wanting us to take these vaccines.. mmhmm.. ;) best

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zarroth 4 years ago

given those vaccines will either kill them outright, or make them sterile, the feminism problem is about to resolve itself. What's the old adage about communists? Oh right, they off their revolutionaries first so they can't change their minds when faced with the reality of their uninformed choice.

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MexicanMarauder 4 years ago

RPM. Love the content. I got banned from youtube after liking one of your HMT videos. Lmao. I commented a lot on red pill content but that was the straw the broke the camel's back. ?

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