RP/MGTOW Women Are STILL Losing Jobs. Oh Well!!
Published on 12 Jan 2021 / In
People & Blogs
Article: https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/08..../economy/women-job-l
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Moral: don't believe a word the government tells you. Have faith in God , Jesus, and your own strength.
I like it when shit head women are fired - especially when they double cross me with their shit and I make an issue of it..... The psycho lying cunts....
'I have zero fucking sympathy for single mothers now'.
I am....disappointed.
Personally, I'm already into negative numbers...for not giving a damn about 'empowered, need-no-man but enjoy the asset transfered provisioned by my daddy gov'.
Joking.....about being disappointed...and delighted that, as you note, 'the power is metaphorically out'.
This trend will continue. With the communist take over the need to patronize the "groups" is gone. With one party rule there will be no need to get their vote. It will get down to wealth the ruling elite can collect. (government) Efficiency will be the game and men are where it is at. Woke minorities, women and LGBT types will no longer need to be pandered to. Also as wealth is depleted from the peasant class (non government) goodies will be cut before the rulers take a hit. Keep an eye on what happens to AOC (congress bitch) and what happens in family law.