RPMGTOW Falling Sperm Counts Are NOT A Good Thing
Published on 28 Feb 2021 / In
People & Blogs
This sucks, BUT oh well.
Article: https://www.insidehook.com/dai....ly_brief/health-and-
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This reminds me of an article I was reading out how birth control contraceptives were having some unhealthy effects on fish as the hormones flushed through the sanitation pipes were not able to be either cleansed or fully cleansed from the water we use every day. I don’t remember what effect it was having on the fish that were effected but I think it created some sort of mutation. Now if the increase in the estrogen hormone in our water supply is affecting fishes in such a way, then imagine what it’d do to men and woman?
A healthy man produces about 2 million sperm per ejaculation. If a man's sperm count is halved, there is still 1 million sperm counts per ejaculation. If 1 million sperm is not enough, then the number of ejaculations can be increased to compensate for the lower sperm count.
It should be noted that it only takes one healthy sperm to fertilize an egg.
Even swimming sperm cells are, 'going their own way'
And. What the fuck else to comment, RPM ? You just said it straight !
women don't understand that men are not idiots, they have wizen up to their tactics and men are moving accordingly.