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Running Away Is Not A Solution (They Won’t Leave You Alone) - Running Away From Western Society

Published on 06 Aug 2024 / In Entertainment

Running away is not a solution as corrupt Governments have power over you and will exercise it if you are out of line. They won’t leave you alone if you try to be self sufficient. Running away from western society is something more western men dream of but they don’t fully understand the implications.

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NeoGeoGamer 7 months ago

As someone who fell for the meme of moving away from the cities, I got some hands-on experience of what it's like in the country. It's a giant lie, such a lie that it could be mistaken for a joke.

The first thing about the country is that you are closer to, not farther away from, government enforcement. While you're farther from the federal buildings, your neighbors are 100x nosier than any city dweller, and they're looking for any reason to snitch on you. I can't tell you for sure that they treat other country-dwellers this way, but I think it's a difference of degree. They are very ratty toward each other and try to get each other fired from jobs all the time. There's a reason they are where they are, and it's because they can't escape. The country is a giant crab bucket.

The second thing is that there is more crime. The statistics don't show it, but that's for the same reason that big cities aren't prosecuting melanated violent crime. Laws are made by and for the people, and the sort of criminal tendencies the people in an area have tend to be overlooked by the law. Where I spent some time, (white) biker gangs were huge, and meth-related crime was all over the place. I had as much crime committed against me in one year in the country as I had committed against me in the rest of my life.

Finally, the culture is identical. There is no magical countryside where families are traditional, women obey their husbands, and men marry virgins. The whole country is feminist, from San Francisco to bumfuck nowhere. Cost of living is lower in the country, but you can live for even cheaper in a city overseas. If you want to escape US government policy, you have to cross the border, there is no other way about it. Do your research, learn the language, save up money, and see if you can start up a business there.

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Jaygo 7 months ago

It's funny you mention that about American with their guns. I was just discussing the same thing with my sister. How cowardly most Americans are. basically saying, the only thing they do with the "Right to bare arms" is destroy one another with it. Never once did they use it for it's intended use. The Government, In fact, ALL Governments are at war with their own citizens. But it's become very evident, particularly in America; the American citizens hates no one more than their fellow citizen who on the opposite political aisle.

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Jaygo 7 months ago

Hey man. where's your Rumble link? I didn't see it posted. Greta video btw

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EuroGaNationalist 7 months ago

It’s normally in the comments of my YouTube videos but here is the link: https://rumble.com/user/euroganationalist

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