Russell Brand Gets Hit By #MeToo - MGTOW
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Russell Brand accused of rape
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Christopher and here's what he very briefly has to say: "Thank You for Everything. Your consistency is priceless. I will do more as I earn more. Thank you so much. You are a hero." Well Christopher thanks for the donation and topic. I thought I'd use it to cover the story Russell Brand. The Times of London and UK's woke channel 4 are reporting that multiple women have accused Brand of grape and sexual assault. He went on his channel and said all his encounters were consensual. But that doesn't matter as #MeToo madness has ramped up recently with Danny Masterson getting sentenced to thirty years in prison and Andrew Tate will probably go away for grape and trafficking. He's guilty of trafficking and admitted it based on it's legal definition. So what does all this mean? Going monk mode is going to become more necessary than ever going forward. It also means that if you become a threat to the mainstream agenda the way Tate and Brand have become suddenly women from your past could be used against you. First they lock you up for 14 years like Harvey Weinstein and Tate will probably get the same amount of time or more. Masterson is gone for 30 years and will Brand get twenty? All of this will just hasten the development of AI girlfriends and sexbots. If ever there was a market for such technology here it comes as many men would rather stay single instead of risking having their lives ruined by going near women. Katy Perry described Brand as controlling and hurtful when they were briefly married for 14 months. Yet he was the one that filed for divorce from her via text message just moments before she was going onstage ahead of a major concert. She must have really pissed him off. She says he was looking for an equal and then he couldn't handle her equalness according to her. What I really found interesting about her was that she said that she felt a lot of responsibility for the relationship ending. It's a miracle, halaluja a woman taking accountability for a change. I didn't expect that. But she said there was some deep dark truth about him that she couldn't've disclose because she would keep that lock up in her safe for a rainy day. Another shocker that a woman could keep a secret. Are we sure that Perry isn't really a man? Either that or at least on the autistic spectrum? As for the Brand assaults they happened between 2006 and 2013. So some while they were together. Maybe that's what she was keeping a secret? Who knows? But with Andrew Tate and now Russell Brand about to go down many men are going to find this a little bit too convenient because Brand criticized Vanguard and Blackrock investments shortly before having the allegations thrown his way. His influence could literally be costing them hundreds of millions if not billions or dollars so why wouldn't they hire a private investigator and dig up some dirt to silence him. What's to stop a girlfriend from fifteen or twenty years ago just coming out of the woodwork accusing me of a false allegation because I'm a threat and the mainstream media paid her a ton of money to say that? Nothing. It's the media's job to dig up your past and try to destroy your public image because first off they see you as competition and second because the media is usually owned by higher powers. I'll discuss more in a moment but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring:
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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"
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If it was rape, why didn't they go to the police and file a report?!?!?!
Andrew Tate admitted nothing. Those 304's were free to go wherever they wanted. Shame on you Sandman for lying on the Tates.
Men, do you need any more reasons to go MGTOW Monk Mode???????
If you Idiots still insist on chasing and Worshipping Pussy, for Pete's sake, have the 304 sign a Consent Form. SMH.
nadia is a name that only ever existed in myth/legend in regards to some pirate queen...
all of the accusations are fake made up to try to force 'cancellation' and someones life...
sounds like bullshit...
alice is probably imaginary...