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Russia Approves bill on a 4K fine for Promoting A Child-Free Lifestyle

Published on 08 Mar 2025 / In Film & Animation

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ArgonRaysabre 17 hours ago

No bitch, it's not a fine for NOT WANTING kids, it's a fine for PROMOTING a lifestyle that's anti-children. I swear, women are a bunch of gaslighting, word-mincing pieces of shit.

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Hmmm - I don't know if it's because they are so stuipid or so manipulative or both.... The outcome either way, is that no men want them.

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ArgonRaysabre 17 hours ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Lol, facts, big bro. Facts.

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@ArgonRaysabre: I rang a chemist yesterday and the drug I was after was an over the counter, non prescription medication.... Everyone basically has it in stock.... AND this DUMB fuck tried to tell me that because they do not have a chemist there, I have to contact the other store..... and she is SO stupid, that a) she did not know what the drug is, what it does, why people use it, and if they had any in stock...... So she then jumps to asking me my name, and 3 or 4 other bullshit diversions, instead of just answering the question - do you have it in stock? Oh christ - fuck..... Put her head through the counter...... It's the medical equivalent of basic non intoxicating decongestant cough medicines.... She is SO stupid, she would not know if the dog has it's cock stuck up her arse..... Everything except stay on topic and answer the fucking question....

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sbseed 1 day ago

sounds good to me...

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