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Russia vows revenge on the US, female politicians investigated for corruption.

Published on 25 Jun 2024 / In People & Blogs

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Toki 6 days ago

You used to contribute to this BB. You did it for foreign pussy and an occupational vacation life in the military also. You forgot the part where the 500,000 want to take a break from working by going to war in the era of Battlebots military soldiers. Wasting our tax dollars playing video games which control real life vehicles. They also want to go overseas to buy pussy. If they live in the USSA it's understandable, but still simping. First you need to genocide the local men on the other side of the war. Then their women go full prostitution without the illusion of relationships. The military men join because they are absolutely brainwashed willing to do anything just to rent some whores. If every man had a submissive housewaifu seksbot we wouldn't have wars.
Americans aren't working either so what else are they supposed to do? Stream on net and ask for $5 on Locals per month? Streamers making everything about money/welfare is part of the economy problem. It's the same value as single moms collecting food stamps for free while being completely unemployed. Or that person at work who's always out on disability to the point where it's obvious they are scamming the system. I got a few those in my workplace right now. Or instead of working/getting fired for job abandonment they are on the military leave list consuming resources while producing none. Apparently you can go 5 years on military leave without getting fired. That's insane. So do I get a 5 year leave from work if I rob poor people of whatever they have and murder some of them to make an example? If I join the Gov mafia I do.

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TripeSwing 6 days ago

China could easily spare enough soldiers to send one for each American, both in numbers & political will, & they'd hardly need that many. America is so corrupt & fetid now that it would not surprise me if China did attack us. We long ago forfeited any moral high ground from which to decry injustices by others.

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WMHarrison94 6 days ago

If they are illegal or noncitizens and they vote, fucking kill them and the centers who gave them the IDs to vote. Period. No compromise. If any judge tries to interfere, execute them traitors too.

Who cares about Rachel Madcow?

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Toki 6 days ago

You can't stop idiots from submitting to their own enslavement by voting. The vote is not real. However the mental conditioning of voting breeds compliant NPC citizens who are happy in their slavery.

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WMHarrison94 6 days ago

I agree. The recall is a waste of time: just shoot the bitch if she's corrupt.. if the rich is after her, then she might be doing something right!?! Is she a Leftist?

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WMHarrison94 6 days ago

Well yeah, they the Cathedral wants to kill us.

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