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S.H.T.F.T Project successful

Published on 28 Jan 2024 / In Film & Animation

used for survival and self-defense only.

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John_Doe 1 year ago

In the absence of any definitive demonstration and going off just the contextual clues, I'm assuming this is a 22 caliber single-shot pen "gun".

If you think this is going to be an effective self-defense weapon in a SHTF scenario, all I can say is you're setting yourself up to fail - at best - or get yourself killed. Assuming for the moment it even worked (which nothing in the video leads me to believe that it will), you're firing a tiny projectile with no aiming capability from a device with a barrel length of ~3 inches. For it to be lethal you'd have to be at point-blank range with the bullet hitting them in the temple; and that assumes absolutely perfect, ideal conditions where the intended target isn't moving and isn't aware of your intentions. In which case that sounds less like self-defense and more like murder.

And - just being honest here - with your flat affect, monotone voice, mannerisms, body language, and behaviors you will be very quickly singled out as someone with mental health issues (this isn't a revelation; you've already revealed this to be true in your previous videos). Consequently, NO ONE in a SHTF situation is going to let you get anywhere near enough to them for this "weapon" to be effective. They'll single you out from a mile away and order you to back off or face the consequences. If you attempted to use this "gun", people with real guns will kill you very quickly.

Now, due to your mental health issues, maybe you're unable to legally purchase a firearm and you're trying to compensate with this home-made solution. I applaud your creativity, ingenuity, ambition, and drive. However, you'd be better off using those talents to figure out how to procure a real gun on the black market rather than this James Bond fantasy. Hell, even a knife would make for a more effective weapon.

Self-defense has very little to do with gadgetry and a lot to do with situational awareness, the ability to "read" people, distance, spacing, timing, a "sixth sense" for danger, de-escalation, communication, rapport, and an instinct for knowing where NOT to be at any given moment. The best way to win a fight is to not get into one in the first place. If you DO get into one, this "gun" isn't going to give you the edge.

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One of the ingredients that I used in the blue red liquid to create the ultra super-hardened Super hardened trademark (tm.)ALD-500 aluminum alloy is Tungsten Graphite or TG2Bn declassified.

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