Sad To See
Published on 22 Jan 2024 / In
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A lot of those deaths in 3rd world hospitals are usually due to "Septus" rather than the op. Ther NHS ios totally fucked and is used only qas a Government Cash Cow or Lab to make money ourt of illegal drug testing, just my iopinion mind you? I mean in this case the NHS let this "GIRL" down in the first place for her to go to turkey? If her weight was a problem she had from childhood I accept that and it is sad to see she was failed by the greedy system. but many femon's today are FAT because of laziness and a reluctance to do anything about it? With Consequences of course?
OK, I'm gonna use Google Voice type on this. So I hope it turns out alright! This is a sad story, But it's their own damn fault, especially women, instead of changing your lifestyle. And watching what you eat, you just decide to get fatter and fatter and fatter. Well, Hey, I'm sorry. I'm not bragging, But I've Lost 200 pounds in the last 3 years. By doing what, watching what I eat exercising, changing my lifestyle? It really wasn't that difficult. Nor was it easy. These fucking women with this fat acceptance bullshit have brought all this on themselves. So I have very little to no sympathy for any of them!!!
Turkey. She probably had some of her organs missing too
I flat refuse to accept the genetic argument for obesity. 50 years ago people would have stared at that woman out of disbelief. 100 years ago she would have been one of the freaks in a circus. Nobody is holding a gun to their heads and forcing them to only buy items from the candy, soda and potato chip aisles.
Many seek beauty through so called magic of surgery and miracle pharmaceuticals, risk always a companion of such endeavors, death can be the result. Avarice and pursuit of Beauty an ever lust for the femon, don’t get in their way, Darwinism must wash them out. Lol. Cheers…