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Saddening truth.

35 Ansichten
Veröffentlicht auf 02 Nov 2024 / Im Andere

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red maple
red maple 5 Monate vor

A symptom of a broken society

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 Monate vor

they oppress Americans so we can't have framilies and then flood us with beners give them assistance and loans .. to become established here. .so govt and wallstreet can domiante not serve.. IN FACT they have created a world empire that is now on it's way o9ut.. with the end of the petrodollar and swift transaction system coming under fire.. as planned china to become world power.. the good witch of the east perhaps..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 Monate vor

If you have money you can get your equal in a mate. imo..

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Councilof1 5 Monate vor

I guess I should be thankful. I do have a few friends and one really good friend.

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Bagoodman 5 Monate vor

Thumb it up gentlemen - You may not like the message but don't shoot the messenger . - Thanks for the info Man Inside.

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