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Safe Distance

Published on 14 Jul 2024 / In Film & Animation

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

ok I think this one is on topic.. I was just at the grocery store.. had over 10 items.. I am walking toward a general check out.. not the express line.. there is a woman headed for the same line but from a different direction.. I had seen her around the store.. short butchy blonde hair.. black tights with a light shawl.. she seemed like she wanted me to look at her.. 50.. so we are both headed for the same check out line and she is about 3' before me at the continued pace.. she gets there and stops as I am walking up and tells me to go ahead.. I said you were here first ... so I was waiting for her with my ignore look goin on.. she said WHATEVER.. then walked in before me.. so she is venting to the very nice young cashier.. who is normal.. then as the woman was exiting the doors right there she called back ASS HOLE. .I guess to me.. maybe she is a bull dyke? and wanted to hold the door open fgor me so to speak.. I do not know.. but Ichecked out and me and the girl there both chuckled.. so I'm walking down the sidewalk outside and here comes the woman in a black suv saying something at me.. I says YERANUT.. and ignored her.. so I do not know if she is a lebsian wanting to treat men like men are women.. or what.. maybe she is just really horny.. I dont know.. I had the words ready I DONT CARE.. now,, I have seen these weirdo people back off and let blacks and mexicans go in front of them.. I just shake my head.. wtf is their deal. too polite? so why is she calling me an ah? .. she wanted to start a conversation???? I have zero interest in her.. The cashioer on the other hand is very beautiful.. nice wifey material.. it must suck bein a mean old witch. more and more , the older women all look like witches..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

so if I went in front of her like she wwanted.. and she had a basket I had a cart.. if I went ahead like she was going to let me. then I owe her a thank you?? . and if I didnt say ty to her then again. I'm an ah.. ya.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

like that song says, gotta do what they tell ya now you're under control..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

if push came to shove I would have walked to a different line.. I dont want some bitch who thinks things are fine to be nice to me.. things suck and her little nicey bs will not make any difference..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

iow I am NOT gonna be nice to her.. . I don't know her.. is she looking for friends? I have too many friends already.. maybe she just moved here..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

I should have gone in front of her and left my cart in the line..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

here you can have my cart..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

maybe she's an new lesban and doesnt know how to act yet. . but im ocd she should just lkeave me alone.. ;)

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

Yeah, ignore, ghost, and conceal carry..

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

You referring to Trump getting shot?!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 months ago


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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 months ago

Notifications are broken for me right now

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Seamus 10 2 months ago

A very logical deduction: Rather than expend the energy and effort of "Disengagement", save yourself the aggravation and avoid "Engagement" in the first place. Cheers...

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 months ago

Its a win win situation! and thanks buddy

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