Salvation Army Wants Whitey to Apologize… NO! | Live From The Lair
Everything woke turns to poop.
#LiveFromTheLair #SalvationArmy #GetWokeGoBroke
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Not living in the US and I'm not a US citizen. But whenever a global Brand like the Salvation Army is doing something like this ANYWHERE of the world, there are ending on my Boykott list. Many are already on it. I.e. Nike, Gillette how they act in the US. Burger King, Mercedes, BMW what they now did in Germany (Changing their Logos to support Vaccines) etc. No money from me when ever I can choose.
Well, deny all 'white money then.
Operate and lose by your 'woke/broke BS'
Sounds like the S.A. is getting their income replaced by the Hungarian (((jew))).