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Samyaza: The Angel Who Gave In To Lust [Book of Enoch] (Angels of Demons Explained)

Published on 18 Nov 2023 / In Film & Animation
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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

It was said if I am remembering correctly, the (Fallen) Angels saw them bathing and well many hard-ons later..
Noah's Flood to preserve the purity of the blood, ie genetics so that Christ, God Incarnate or in Cosplay, could be born... the human DNA was literally contaminated. The Nephilim did not start off as bloodthirsty cannibals eating men and themselves... they started out hungry but unable to be satiated... after they ate all of man's food and were still hungry, did they start eating mankind... Six fingered and six toed Giants, hybrids of women and angels... now the million dollar question: The Anonauki, are they angels, gods, or (interspatial) aliens... "Those from Heaven Above." Now, pre-load Giants were 20 plus, some 50 feet tall while post Flood giants never got to 20' the higher ones around 17' only surviving because two of Noah's sons took "unclean" wives... contaminated DNA...

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

Interesting... no discussion of pre- and post- Flood giants... The Greeks record it in their myths as Gigantimarchy, the War of the Giants against the Titans, well the Olympians who won their Titanamarchy, War of the Titans, with Zeus and his "Forces" winning because he made a deal with the Giants for lightning... bolts. I believe these Titans are the Sons of God, Greek leaning, their sons, were the Demigods, the Heroes. The "Halo" was the sun behind them because they were taller, when a normal human looked up, they saw the "Halo." Remember in the Old Testament, angels were not winged and indeguishable, huh spelling? But, bring of their nature, Lot could tell the difference being atuned to himself and God of Israel.

So, back to topic: the Sons of God had the earth carved up into kingdoms... these might be the Titans with Zeus, Marduk, Yehweih, etc being among them. Atlantis was said to be an island ruled by King Atlas, or Atlas father of the Keeper of the Golden Apples, his daughter... er fuck I can't remember, but I know Atanta is confused often with Atalanta, a princess whose lost the race with her suitor, who had help from Aphrodite/Venus-- she gave the dude madly in love with Atalanta three golden apples. He tossed one each time she tried to overtake him. To be her husband, one had to beat her, but if you failed, you died.

There's another golden apple involving three goddesses, Hera/Juno, Aprodite/Venus, and Athena, and Trojan prince Paris living nonprincely as a shepherd I believe... well, each goddess tried to bribe him-- Discord/Eris through a golden apple with something written on it like "Whoever received this apple is fairest:" Ironically, Zeus was smart enough to be like, I'm not judging this shit.. Paris was selected. He made them swear not to kill him if they lost and he had to see them all nude to best judge. Juno offered him power-- king of the most powerful nation, Athena offered him wisdom, and Venus offered him the hottest girl alive to love him and he her, Helen of Sparta, who became Helen of Troy until the Fall of Troy...

Anyway, the Atlanteans from the Egyptian records were said to be Giants and only the men of ancient Greece in Athena and Vulcan's kingdom were courageous, righteous, and dedicated enough to defeat them. I believe strongly that Solon of Athenas merged this Egyptian tale of (Bbiblical Tarshish) crap... I know the Egyptian word I heard Simcha Jacobovich say it but I didn't see it spelled out... anyway the Atlantis at Spain with Santorini and Knossos, Crete as it's outposts with the mythical Atlantis under King (Titan) Atlas, eye of Africa-- the SaharA.. Nobody made this link exceptme that both Solon's Atlantis sinking c. 1 500 BC and Moses' Exodus are linked to Avaris to Pharaoh Ahmose I's reign, which preceded a Dark Age-- Academia is having a hard time believing in Ecodus because they overestimated some Dark Ages, which interrupts the world timeliness not Egypt's.. It's politics man...

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

The witchcraft given to women for their pussies or rather access to was astrogy. I believe it wasca way to track events and ages as God of Israel refers to it as "Signs of the times" literally a double meaning... both referring to the Heavenly bodies...

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

Hey, pussy's one Hell of a drug... I believe these Angels the Fallen are imprisoned under a (frozen) desert in Antarctica in a vault, and we found that vault during Barry O'Bomber's re-election campaign. Barry had to send Senator McCain as the Pope and the Orthodox "Pope" went to see it...

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

There's a huge lore of angels and demons fighting, but they were not canonized: They are part of the apothera, I believe it's called... Enoch should be in the Bible...

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