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Sandman Can't Stop Simpin - MGTOW

304 vistas
Publicado en 22 May 2020 / En Personas y blogs

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- The MGTOW Book Collection
- www.amazon.com/Tim-Patten/e/B00M4QL16A/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_2?qid=1544930598&sr=8-2

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- https://thedollchannel.com/

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MGTOW Mystery Link: www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=tUgytBSH_lg&feature=emb_logo

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Brian. He didn't have a specific topic for me so what I'd like to do is discuss something I brought up and realised during a meeting of mgtow minds chat that I had a while back. In it I said that it's not that I don't trust women. It's that I don't trust myself around them. Like I'm either Dr. Sandman or Mr. Simp. I haven't learned how to become Professor Hulk like one of the guys on the chat named Joker. Joker says that with regards to women and relationships it's six months and he's out of there. For me around the six month time period with a woman my mind is baked and I can't stop thinking of starting a life with that tart. I know the situation was detrimental to me and I'm suffering through it but I believe it's easy to suffer through when it feels good. Especially a relationship. Why is it that some men can slog through a relationship and marriage without losing the essence of their being while others such as myself can't stop simpin when we fall in love? I'll get to that in just a second but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back with the show. What's been really frustrating for me ever since I went my own way is that I've seen other content producers that can still string together sophisticated sentences while getting married and having a family day after day while for me the moment I get into a relationship and have sex I get a sort of emotional brain fog where reason and rationality starts flying out the window. What I'd like to speculate as to why some men are adversely affected when in love while others apear to be themselves and are perfectly fine. Many of you will say that it comes down to a man being a simp and that he just needs to stop and get some help. But from my experience even after taking the red pill and going through the first red pill rage my mind and heart still fell to the force of females. When I would get involved in relationships it would take a lot of conscious effort to do things that were for my own benefit at the detrement of the women I was involved with. It was hard work being selfish. I began shaming other men that had choosen to stay single and didn't know why. White knighting is contageous I suppose. I know that on many MGTOW channels we tell guys not to be weak around women and to stop simpin when you're but what if you can't do that? What if you are so overwhelmed by the emotion of love that it doesn't matter how much reason and rationality you have in your head because the moment you put your little head inside of her you lose your big one? That's why I've found that creating and consuming MGTOW content daily has been helpful for me to remain focused. But even when in a relationship creating that content didn't help. Even when I forced myself day in and day out to focus on female nature it didn't help.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by "Videezy.com"

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MAC88 5 años hace

I’ve realized black men have it the best in terms of relationship. Women in America see them mostly as sex and don’t consider them as betas like the rest. Of course that excludes the alphas of every race. Black men have it the best. It’s the black man that doesn’t simp either usually they basically have a monopoly on pump and dumb lol. Good for them. We can all learn from that. We win the end. We need freedoms for all men that are Americans.

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P_M_S 5 años hace

For me LTR means 48h at max and I'm gone. I'm just now from time to time using sluts but I after this pandemic I think I will just buy a good quality and bueutiful doll.

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And I'm telling you the Poop Smearing Hermaphrodite chimp can never become a MGTOW general because it always cut, copies, and pastes everything lol.

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Sandman c'mon man you're a MGTOW general now. Focus on the mission of breaking the system and liberating us all. You were chosen as one of the 4 heavenly generals of MGTOW for a reason. Of course us men don't hate women, we hate the system that mutated them into hideous monsters and me being AGTOW as well, we 100 percent have always opposed marriage because it's a government institution and we are totally anti-government. Never lose track of the ultimate mission Sandman. You must be one of the ones to lead and obliterate the statist system into the void.

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MAC88 5 años hace

Who are the other 3 generals?

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@Markcohen: Terrence Popp, Hammerhand, and Kendelrican.

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Sandman do what's right as one of the 4 chosen general's of MGTOW that you are and takeout the system, so that we all, all of us living creatures can once and for all have endless prosperity, peace, and freedom.

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