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Sandman Should I Marry Her - MGTOW

189 Bekeken
gepubliceerd op 07 Mar 2020 / In Mensen & blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Dear Sandman, I have a topic for you about careful good men that would like to poke their heads out of their hiding place to see if it safe to date again. I've watched many MGTOW and red pill videos that tell stories about men that have suffered at the hands of women. So I've lived under the MGTOW lifestyle with caution from a young age (age 17) while agreeing to the pump and dump style. Nothing more nothing less. But over the years I have had the urge to settle down with a woman and it's been hard to keep fighting it after 22 years. As I got older I decided to settle down when I could not fight it, so I lied about my wealth and status (I'm upper middle class and am deep in the stock market I own 2 properties) set up 3 tests to find a woman that I can settle down with and surprise surprise they all failed and couldn't even get past the first one where I invite them to dinner and we split the bill (where none wanted to) but never paid for anyone's meal (because the restaurant was in on the date and knew me) Eventually I ran into a foreign looking woman where she paid for her food, passed test number 1. Passing the second test meant that she has a powerful distaste for leftist ideas and feminism because in her words they make her look bad. She is always rejecting my offers to pay for her stuff regardless of the price pass test 2 and enjoys working and said she wouldn't mind being a stay at home mom and agreed to a prenup pass test 3. But even with all these test I made I sure that everything I own is protected with the help of friends cosigned to it (never had a money argument with them and two are gay) and I'm thinking of marrying her after dating for 6 years without one problem or fight but my black senses keep saying that this is dangerous. So Sandman is all my careful planning and testing all for nothing and she's just on to me or have I found the 1% and it's safe to put a ring on it. Thanks again for all you do" Well Teaven thanks for the donation and topic. I think this is the second time you've paid for the same request. Perhaps you didn't hear the last video? I usually release content about forty to fifty days after getting a request. I believe you were involved with a Filipina that passed all three of your tests. But you didn't share the idea of hiding your assets from her or lying about what you actually own. I'll get to your request in a second but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Igor MGTOW And Video Games


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libertyanyday 5 jaar geleden

he will have his TEETH handed to him, unless YOU have no legal right to your assets. she will......... if you are not having a family and kids. NO WAY.

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libertyanyday 5 jaar geleden

the LAWS have not changed....... you are are A GREAT SO0URCE OF MONEY .......... SHE will decimate you......... go ahead, try it.

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BrokenAce129 5 jaar geleden

If Teaven can't find anything wrong with this woman he's interested in then that's a red flag in of itself. She's hiding her toxic behavior from him in order to trick him into thinking he's marrying what they call a "NAWALT" or "1%". These women are not stupid. That quote about Filipina women having low IQs is not only ridiculous, it's also irrelevant. IQ is not a measure of intelligence and Teaven has proven to be even dumber than the woman he's chasing after. What does that say about his intelligence? He's already an idiot for wanting to marry her, or in other words, have the government play a part in his relationship with that woman. I hope he sees Sandman's responses to his messages. He needs to get smart and actually educate himself more on what marriage is and what it's always been about. It's infuriating how he's clearly informed on what's happening in society, yet he's about to be yet another man who's screwed himself over in marrying a woman and will potentially have his life ruined because of divorce and family courts.

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