Saturday News Items
Published on 14 Jan 2023 / In
Film & Animation
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She did at least 6. There are investigation into another 9 they cannot find evidence. She also did a three way with one of the wives.
I'm sure she told her husband that most of her friends are men.. she likes attention or validation and fucks people to get it.. oh, but she can do her job.. right.
Women who want to work around men ,, are all sluts. I wonder if she charges?
On the first article, the guy that got arrested because his girlfriend died.
It is engrained human nature that a man is responsible for a woman. In most cases, a woman will be let off the hook, and a man gets the blame. That's human nature.
The trouble with our society, we try to pretend like it's not. Personally though, we should never forget that and act accordingly.
The wimp: You want to call the police. Go ahead. My friends are police. 6 of them.