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SCARY ! People Mysteriously Vanishing Out Of Thin Air And More Creepy Videos

Published on 04 Jul 2024 / In News & Politics

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Toki 8 months ago

What is this guy's channel? He's not annoying. Most of these spooky channels have annoying narrators. I like Nuke's Top 5 channel. He has an archive for at least 5 years of weekly spooky content similar to this. Mostly ghost stuff though.

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Toki 8 months ago

I can't find this guy. "The James Show," is what he said?

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KEEPER 8 months ago

yeah, i watch nuke every time he makes a video, he's been a permeant in my subbed list lol, this guy's channel i found more recently, here is his channel, he's got quite the backlog to watch, enjoy.

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Toki 8 months ago

@KEEPER: Thanks man.

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Toki 8 months ago

@KEEPER: Did you see the Nuke video where random weirdos are hacking into family's baby monitors? Wild. Karma for buying a silly product instead of being a proper parent I suppose.

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KEEPER 8 months ago

@Toki: yeah that one was pretty crazy. i wouldn't blame the parent for something out of their control of how these are so easily hacked, but damn that's crazy.

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

Is it scary people are disappearing? Cannibal Cafe has to get their human flesh (from the "pig farmers" as it were.) Fucking abolishing abortions has consequences... and we got all the laboratory grown human meat... just don't ask us about missing homeless people...

(Guess I should watch the video soon, but gotta go...)

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KEEPER 8 months ago

soylent green ooh lol yeah, that movie " they live " i didn't see when it came out, i was more of a 90s kid so i saw it later and it was very good for it's time, i loved shit like this, hell i even watched all the old black and white twilight zone episodes and the new show, one i really loved back in the day was called the outer limits, i eventually found out when i started watching the tv show stargate sg1, that the same writers for that show also wrote the outer limits, a crazy show i freaking loved watching.

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

@KEEPER: Now that I watched... it reminds me of the 411 Missing People in America and Canada series of books and Amazon series of movie I believe. Well, Revelations talk about disappearing people... innocent children I can definitely see, but the speeding THOT? Interesting. There have been videos of towns where they heat "trumphants" like the Conquest story of Capturing or Taking Jericho... getting Biblicaal? We are not in the Age of Revelations or Pagan Aquarius/Enlightenment yet... Then again, if Russia and China invade Israel the country creating cities of the dead requiring burials, ie NBC warfare, (Gog and Magog) the road to Tribulations and Armageddon is on... open for business....

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

@KEEPER: I liked SG1... good show and good believable cast... You should watch Logan's Run. There were time traveling stories that the Logan's Run scenarios is our future controlled by an AI whose abbreviations is pronounced "Lucifer" so like LUCFR or something. There was an attempt for a remale... don't know if it was made for like exclusive content like CBS, PedoFlixor AppleTV.

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KEEPER 8 months ago

@WMHarrison94: yeah i saw Logan's run, crazy movie, but there have already been many other movies with a very similar story, maybe not a remake, but a very similar story for sure, hell i even think there have been a few twilight zones or outer limit episodes like that. granted, it's been a long while since i watched logan's run, so it's a little fuzzy of what i remember, and i might be mixing it with the similar stories funny enough as there are quite a bit of them.

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sbseed 8 months ago

the mosquito thing is real, not sure about the other stuff....
the vanishing/disappearing stuff is over-dramatized fake...

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KEEPER 8 months ago

yeah that's pretty much what i thought as well, idk, i remember a vague scripture talking about one day near the end that a million people will just vanish, but as i said before in my comment below this, these days anything can be faked so easily that it makes this kind of shit so hard to believe, and you only see this shit show up in these kinds of videos, it's never put in some kind of agency that exists when that happened, if it did you would think it would be taken far more seriously, but it just looks so damn fake. now i do like watching this stuff, because sometimes the real stuff gets captured and we can usually determine if it's fake or not, most dudes on this website are rational adults who use realistic thinking skills so i mostly trust when they can call out a fake. the one videos about the sound coming from the sky, that one is still a mystery to me, i have my own theories based on some government program called HAARP, which was suggested that they were using it to manipulate the weather via using chem trails in the sky and manipulating these aerosol's with the HARRP machines scattered across the world, HARRP was this kind of machine that could create a frequency to manipulate objects, and the theory is that this spray of these chemtrails was so they could direct the weather and cause it to become good weather or bad in any given area, however the only known location of one of these HARRP locations is found in Alaska, so idk, but i have seen some examples in how this tech works and it's not fake, you can literally lift objects or manipulate objects with only using sound or in this case frequency's, so the theory of having multiple of the across the world makes sense because they would need more of them to steer the direction of the storms, so if they wanted to cause a freak storm, they could cause a freak storm of a frozen blizzard in someplace like Texas a few years back, the kind of weather that region of the USA has never experienced or another freak storm where a massive lake of water blew ice over people's homes freezing these people to death in another region where the weather has never had that kind of issue before, and for the fact the government warns of global issues involving the weather, when it's their plan from the beginning so to show everyone how right they are about the weather, they use their system they have been creating over the last idk something like 50 years might have something to do with all this freak weather. i have already said, i don't trust the government or any government for that matter, i think they are all colluding on some massive plan to eradicate people so they can have their new world order.

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Toki 8 months ago

@KEEPER: The important fun part is these faked videos are superior to actual horror film. Amateurs are more talented than the big money industry. No politics either. Short and sweet without the hour of pointless character development like in a film. I don't normally like 'Shorts' but it works well with spooky videos because it makes it even more mysterious.

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KEEPER 8 months ago

@Toki: interesting idea on the shorts, i don't typically like shorts for that reason, however i can see the appeal in that idea, when i watch this kind of stuff, it's usually at night, and normally i end up falling asleep as my goal is to fall asleep, however sometimes they are good enough to keep me captivated it just depends on the video, because some can be kind of i wouldn't say boring, but relaxing and subtle, but i also enjoy the ones that are more inviting to keep me awake and shocking, i'm the kind of person who wants to believe in ghosts and UFO's but i have never personally seen or felt a presence that couldn't immediately be explained in some way, but i'm very open to the idea if a situation presents itself to me in which i can not explain or figure out.

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

yeah, the mesqito sounds like a government op to release laboratory grown or infected vectors to kill us...

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

@KEEPER: Yep... It would be an amazing coincidence if all those "weather anomalies" only occur in strong Red States or strongholds.... I heard back when Trump was president, they used space laser to guide hurricanes to land fall in the Gulf., Florida and Louisana if I am not mistake... multiple landfell hurricanes, unusually high. Unlike the incompetent Demoncrats, Trump handled it well.

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

@Toki: But... how would you know the true horror, er whoror if you didn't know the women er victims were scissor sisters?! LOL!

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

@KEEPER: Ghosts are real bro: I have been one twice maybe trice... I died trice but I remember immediately crossing over once so... I am not sure if I hung around as a ghost on that one. All I can say is the Gods, the God El of ISrael and His Wife the Tree of Life Ashereh, have a plan and I am glad to be part of it..l I hope to have a bigger part later say like being able to wield flaming swords... there are some demons and pedophiles I hope the Gofd let mne... you know like Darth Vader get to strike down... But, whatever the Gods want, they get. They are fighting for humanity while our hoes are killing mankind before it can be born....

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KEEPER 8 months ago

@WMHarrison94: i had a whole ass comment in response to this ghost comment, but i accidently clicked on something when i was trying to edit my misspellings and it went to another page, so i will just say this, i would love to have that kind of experience, but it's never happened to me, and it likely never will, i'm still open to something like that and i'm jealous you have experienced it.

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

@KEEPER: Sometimes, I think I just focus on the positive to try to null the memory of the Darkness or scariest, but Those who believe that in God El have no fear in their heart. Or so, I've been told. I do remember being surrounded by pitch darkness alone but not scared: I knew Love was surrounded me... It's hard to explain in words I guess. I do my best though. Then, I had that whole vagina birth being pushed towards the white... the blinding white light and there I met Ashereh... and my matriarchs. I have a feeling "this thing" like me was in the works for a long while, I daresay eons. I wonder though... because of the intense Love... if it could have been say Ishtar (Easter is her pronunciation.) She has some really dark whoror legends or myths. I do though remember getting the choice to stay watching my mom breakdown and well terrible life like drugs and suicide stuff like that or go back saving her but for Her as I guess "servant." I feel like I have a "contract" or covenant... just saying, but staring Darkness knowing I fought it and have been protected by angels while fighting it... it does warm my heart a little. The Darkness is so much more terrifying... just saying. I like to say sometimes I stared into the Abyss and the Abyss stared back. Sad thing though, all I want to do is fuck... make babies znd shit, but we got shit women, not worth it. I think the Gods have something up their sleeves in store...

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KEEPER 8 months ago

in this day and age, i think almost everything can be faked, however we do know the government let lose a plague that was supposed to kill people, but they didn't kill enough, so i expect more shit like this to continue in the future.

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

Yep... election year... they need their Plandemic amd Locldown for their 3am steal and illegal postdating (Post Office) ballot harvesting.

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