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SCARY! Why Is No One Talking About These Creepy Videos

62 Vues
Publié le 29 Jun 2024 / Dans Film et animation

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KEEPER 9 mois depuis  

so the only video i care about is the one about the demon face, but my opinion is it has to do directly with the whole covid vaccine shit people injected in themselves, this is the reason why they are hallucinating shit and why nothing really feels right anymore to them.

but this is just my theory. it just reminds me of all the black eyed children who were born due to parents who got the clot shot.

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JMGTOW 9 mois depuis

but there were stories about black eye children even before the clot shot was introduced. maybe they were experimented children that were released from the DUMBs?

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KEEPER 9 mois depuis

@JMGTOW: your not wrong, but that was mostly in fiction, nobody ever expected to see that kind of thing in real life, but during the whole clot shot fiasco, i mean maybe some of these stories were real from before, but they were experiment's done to possibly kidnapped children by some secret military experiment for all we know.

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KEEPER 9 mois depuis

i don't trust our government, so i expect this kind of shit to come from them anyway, it's like all these bigfoot stories, is it some beast that naturally exists or is it some government experiment that is created using man's DNA and splicing it with gorilla or something? then some other experiments, i know about the whole alien hybrid stuff, but maybe they aren't alien, they only appear alien because of how they look and our science fiction stories create the atmosphere of these creatures to make us believe they are alien when in reality they are some government experiment.

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Bagoodman 9 mois depuis

Have some courage go up to them camera on and ask them WHAT ARE YOU ! ? - Will they run ? Will they change there eye color on film for all to see ! - Lets just find out .

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Doggk 9 mois depuis

Interesting one !!

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KEEPER 9 mois depuis

which one are you talking about?

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Villainous Jack
Villainous Jack 9 mois depuis

Young people usually whip out the phone to start recording weird and unusual events.
I'm glad people are continuing the legacy of telling stories that have nothing to do with "The Narrative".

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KEEPER 9 mois depuis

the first part of your comment is kind of a bad thing, but i also understand the reasons for it, these days if you help in a meaningful way you could very well get a knife to your neck and dead, so recording is just safer for your well being, but then again if the person sees you filming them and they don't want to be caught, your gonna die anyway.

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People tell me they have seen UFO's leaving Uranus.
My bum was a bit itchy - but other than that, nothing unusual went on.

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