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Scenery Forest (metal)

Published on 14 Oct 2023 / In Music

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All their music sounds the same - a bit like the Ramones... do up a big play list and just tracks skip and all the tracks are almost identical... except for a few really remarkable tracks .e.g Bonzo goes to Bitzburg.

Wikipedia is full of jew cult propaganda - but the essential reasons for the song are there... apparently.

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Should be pathological liar instead there was no forest scenery.

All I heard was black metal that the likes of Bathory, Celtic Frost, Dark Throne and perhaps Venom or some other Black metal bands which I'm OK with I would have liked to have seen some forest or visuals to go with it. You could have put some black metal gorgoroth women at least or a black forest. Thanks and keep on Slaying Metalhead.

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Scenery like objects on a theatre stage .2dimensional objects all around in a 3d view. an effect that can happen when magic mushrooms have been eaten. Liberty caps in my area. the music is homemade the picture is a view from my house. "Scenery Forest" is the name of the music (my own made music) I will only use my own pictures with more of it is coming..

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