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Schopenhauer's BRUTAL Take on Women

Published on 05 Oct 2024 / In People & Blogs

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I used to moan fucking endlessly - by typing out my trials and tribulations - of dealing with a seriously fucked up EX....

Every week, I would obsessvely and compulsively type up these letters of 10 to 20 pages... sometimes 2 or 3 a week.....

I think I really had to exorcise that demon and come to terms with having an ex that was really fucking crazy.....


It got to the point where ALL of this bleeding heart bullshit - was so fucked in the head, that even I could not stand to read this crap.....

I mean it was really well done....

But fuck me - listening to my endless moaning and she did this, I did that and then her mother pulled this or that stunt - and on and on it goes..... forever.

So I ended up with the getting to the point plan.....

Write out my list in Bulletted Points.

Only as many as necessary.

Maybe one or two SHORT paragraphs to outline the issue, and then the list of where we or the situation is at NOW.

What can be done - the list of options.

And the probable outcomes.

This is why tend to detest people who bullshit on and on and on and on and on - instead of getting to the point.

Mostly because my 10 to 20 page bleeding heart epics were SO fucking bad... I mean they were necessary - but fuck - they were horrible to read.....

But like the ex.....

1. She is a head case who likes going out and fucking around - and she likes crazy sex with crazy people.

2. This is bad for me, I don't want to be involved with her or her bullshit sex addicted escapades.

3. Her malignant dry drunk geriatric mother is always interferring and dragging her back home under the thumb and fucking her her.

4. If the EX wants to get out and stay out - it's up to her, she knows the door is open for her, but SHE has to decide to take it.

5. BUT she is going to keep on chasing cock across the country side and going back home to mummy and her dry drunk bullshit.

6. It's not my problem.

7. Get out and stay out and get on with my own life.

8. End of issue.

That has taken it from 20 pages of typed out "Oh Woe Is Me" fucking bullshit - and gotten straight to the point.

Her life is a fucking disaster. It's not my problem. Disengage from a fucked up person who wants to remain stuck in her own shit. And go live your own life.


This is why I hate people who never realise how precious OTHER PEOPLES time is...

Like if I have to read 200 job applications - SOME are going to take 2 or 3 minutes, some are going to take 10 or 15 minutes...

I just want to know "Can you do the job? What back grounds and experiences and work history / references do you have, that I can use to verify your claims about your training, your work history, your skill set and your personality - are you an honest, enthusiastic, innovative and reliable person or are you a shiftless, lazy, lying cunt.?"

That is fucking it.

See so my shitty ex, was really good for me. A kick in the head is as educational as anything else..... It also enhanced the value of inventory and analysis and gaining a wholesome resolution or outcome....

"There were some things about her that I really liked, but OVERALL, she is a fucking disaster area, she is as crazy as all fuck, her dry drunk mother is an absolute cunt - Cut them loose. Get the fuck out of there and STAY out of there...."

That is a solution.

Never went back......

AND Miss Cock on the Cranium, our paths crossed purely by coincidence...... and she and her bullshit - she looked like a fucking corpse that has come back to life.....

God fuck me... Glad to be out of there. Glad to be away from her.

She is still special to me, but so is the car that I had a head on with a truck with....


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