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Sci-Fi Short Film “Slaughterbots” DUST

Published on 02 Mar 2024 / In Film & Animation

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It spins off here:

Australian kamikaze drones tested before getting sent to Ukraine

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bigintol03 11 months ago

That was kinda scary!

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I used to try almost anything - in a reasoned and thoughtful way, and at 9 or 10 years old, I "borrowed" a couple of my old mans 303 bullets, and extraced the bullets, removed the powder, and put the bullets base down inside a BIG heavy aluminium pot and set that on the stove.... and waited until the primer went off.... Well that ONE little pill of a primer, that was probably 4mm in diameter and 3mm high, it probably had a layer of primary explosive in it that was 3/4 of a mm thick, and 3mm in diameter - well when it blew ot of the shell, it put a deep dimple into the base of the aluminium pot that was 3mm thick aross the base... This was 8 or 10mm deep.... I hammered the dimple back in, but the ring from the primer shape - my old man noticed that... Although this is a fictitious video, when the guy said, "Inside here is 3 grams of shaped explosive" (a shaped charge) I thought, think of 3 grams of candle wax for comparable density - well if the amount of primer in a 303 shell, was enough to blow out a decent dint in 3mm thick aluminium, then that amount of primer (primary explosive) placed on the forhead and detonated , would blow a neat hole through the skull and about 80mm + into the brain... and (estimating here) assumng that the primer had about the same amount or volume as the head of a cardboard match... (think hotel lobby with bowl on the counter) with about 40 milligrams of lighting stuff.... then 3 grams of high explosive made into a shaped charge, could probably pop a hole in 20mm of low carbon steel... and if it went off on the forhead, it would remove the front 1/3 of the head.... So although this is a work of fiction, sort of, the need for a shaped charge is kind of irrelevant and the amount of explosive - well 1/4 of a gram would do it... say a rod of 2mm in diameter and 4 to 6mm long inside a thin walled high strength titanium tube with the charge detonated at the far end, A 1/2 mm of primary , then secondary, then booster and then high explosive - that tiny concentrated jet would easily put a hole through somones head.... especially if detonated on the surface of the skull... So the 3 grams of shaped explosive or did he fuck it up and mean a 3 gram shaped charge..... I think with a drone that size 3 grams is quite a payload and I think I could design it to be a 1 gram warhead - or slightly less and to produce a similar real world result as the fictitious killbots...

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bigintol03 11 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Someone's inviting those things as we speak...if they haven't already!

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@bigintol03: It all comes down to mission specific designs - range - flight time - purpose - payload etc... AND a tiny drone with only a one way 2 K range and a 1 gram payload... What can carry a shaped charge for piercing 80mm of armour up to 10 K away is totally different to popping a neat hole in or through your head... with a total shaped charge weight of 1 gram or under...

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@bigintol03: These things present a frightening reality...... Microsized assination devices.

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bigintol03 11 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: EXACTLY!

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Councilof1 11 months ago

The follower's will clap for their own doom.

As for the closing message I think we're beyond that point. The ccd chip's used for digital cameras was patented in 1973 (F-15 Eagle), at least officially. Digital cameras weren't released to the public until the 1990's. So it makes me wonder just what they have but haven't bothered to tell us about.

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Yeah..... I saw the CCD chip arrays for the ultra large space telescope with atmospheric distorition corrective technlogy - the analysis of a reflected atmospheric laser is fed into pushers that distort the giant mirrors to cancel the star light distorition by the atmosphere, and the HUGE array of CCD modules was something like 1 meter by 1 meter, of the best chips they had at the time... (trying to be accurate - with a degree of history and vaugness behind it) and the accuracy and light gathering and resolution of the earth bound telescope made it better than the Hubble space telescope by a large factor... This is it:

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