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Scientific UFO Disclosure is coming! - 2021

Published on 01 Jan 2021 / In Film & Animation

It's a bit long BUT a MUST
Punk rock Gangsta Alien Scientist
current ufology 2021 live stream

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Maxxx 4 years ago

This guy's toally hilarious, stream was hijacked by audio glitch lmao. Then he goes off on a tangent rant rofl.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

wait a second, he just mentioned crystals can store data, he said 5D data, idk what that is, but if he's talking about data like information like perhaps some kind of computing storage within an crystal kind of thing, that mirrors what science fiction has said in stargate for many years.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

not quite as steam punk as SGU Destiny.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

funny enough, this method seems to make more sense. as it's extracting the power using these sun splashes, i forgot what they are called, waves maybe? but you know more than i, i just find them really cool to look at. i mean if you had an space ship, which extraction process makes more sense? the one where you are flying almost within the sun? just close enough to the sun and using the waves of energy while holding in one place? i'm no expert on the sun but i do know there is a significant amount of gravity within the sun and it's really powerful, making these circle ships refueling method very difficult. but while flying in the sun at an speed extracting what you can and then using what ever thrust you have to fly out of the sun.. idk? someone more experienced than i on this topic would have a better understanding and could explain it.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

the weird thing about this is, you never see these things show up from our point of view, it's always on the outer edge from our perspective of earth, why would you think this is the case? ppl can say it might prove these UFO picks are fake, but if they are indeed real, what reason would they only show up on the outer edges instead of showing up in front where we could better see them approach and speed away. i guess it's possible they know about earth and our current progression and maybe came to some kind of an agreement with out world leaders or something, or maybe it could be another reason, like the sun extraction is better done in these areas more than anywhere else? suspicious observers mentions the changes of the sun daily and the spots that are either weak points or something else, but he mentioned at one point that you can predict earthquakes by the behavior of the sun in many cases, which is interesting in many ways.

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PlazmoidialSoup 4 years ago

No I've never seen any of these before the bright line reminds me of a planet relfecting a line into the camera. Like lens flare. But I id like to here Ben's opinion on these pictues /anomalies. I dont think its planetx tho. Or it could be an edit/photo shop . interesting thx maybe its a plasmoid around a ship and the resulting feild

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@PlazmoidialSoup: these videos came out i think back in 2013 but idk if they are fake or real. it was crazy when it started happening.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@PlazmoidialSoup: this is just one video on this topic. but there are many many more videos on this video footage.

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KEEPER 4 years ago this man talks about it with more detail.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

the weird thing about this idea is why go to the sun when we could essentially get it from the core of our earth instead? have you ever noticed in a lot of the information about UFO's they are diving in the sea or heading near the north pole or south pole of earth? maybe there are more than a few conduits to the core that we don't know about that they are extracting the cores plazma from? i know it sounds far fetched, but what other reason would they fly their craft into the ocean?

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PlazmoidialSoup 4 years ago

@Sentient_Of_Truth: the new swabia high jump i heard once those craft would move like none other and the guy decribed from pole to pole very quickly so if there using magnetic feild lines as a high way to traverse on..just my recollection. The water pressure under the ocean is so immence. Subs a light dont make it. So its very isolated thats why i think they go there but i dont think theres any plasma under ground kinda matter phase thing there but geothermal heat source is readily available.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@PlazmoidialSoup: that's a good theory actually. maybe they have their own under water rapture city lol if you get my drift..

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PlazmoidialSoup 4 years ago

@Sentient_Of_Truth: yah maybe they like the high preesure and use artificial gravity spin generation to create a better/ heavier environment for them selves like we could on mars or other smaller bodies

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@PlazmoidialSoup: i could see that would make them stronger to withstand, but idk lol. that's a lot of pressure! it's kind of funny though, as it reminds me of BSG the original series, an episode where they came to some planet where the gravity was not that strong or not as strong to what they were used to, so they could jump really high no problem as they originally came from an world that had stronger gravity and eventually adapted to the forces, but this other worlds gravity was significantly reduced which is why they were able to do this. however that logic didn't make any sense since they have been in space for many many years drifting in space with simulated gravity, but who knows this was a science fiction series so maybe they used some kind of artificial gravity of some kind to keep their ability to function without losing out all their muscles while in space and no gravity. when we picture the alien gray's they are small ppl with little frames giant heads but very frail, which makes the most sense since they are rarely exposed to gravity for the most part. gray's

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PlazmoidialSoup 4 years ago

@Sentient_Of_Truth: lol yah all hunched over. But maybe like the star child with super strong imbeded fibers. On a bugger planet with a higher gforce acceleration. Perception of time would also be different, sped up in my opinion. Cause stuff falls faster walking pace would be faster and more.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

there's been some talk that the elites plan on using the advanced tech to create seemingly miracles happen in order to trick ppl into thinking it's Jesus. and in revelations there is also talk of this as false Christ coming back event who will be released as Christ and ppl will believe him to be Jesus because of his miracles, but he will be the false Christ, it's an interesting time to be alive a little scary as well but exciting of the unknown. i'm not really religious, but i have read revelation and other scriptures that have either come true or that have yet to come true but there are plans for it to become an reality.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

i remember watching all kinds of content back in the day talking about all of this stuff. some of it is new news to me, where other info is quite old but was not sure to be believed at the time.
but i know our government and the governments of the world hide a lot from the ppl so it doesn't surprise me at all.

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