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SCP: Ghost Town

Published on 24 Mar 2024 / In Film & Animation


MTF Alpha-One, Detachment Zero (Initially titled 'Force Recon Applications Group', or 'FRAG' during preliminary trials) specializes in any militarized operations that require the foundation to break international law, or use force to directly interfere in politics.

This specialization subsequently puts members into a number of operations, most commonly, they are used for breaking into restricted areas of extreme security with no hope of any QRF to support them. They are also frequently used to harm or dissolve a government that is vehemently opposed to the foundation's interests. They often achieve this by way of training militia groups to fight in proxy wars, as well as out-right political assassinations. These missions typically involve members of Mobile Task force Iota-10, who supply mission-critical intelligence in combined operations.

Due to the Foundation's tumultuous history with a similarly designed MTF unit, Detachment Zero is kept to a very small group of elite and loyal members, who are vetted and re-vetted continuously. Extreme security measures are always kept in place, such as mandatory micro-chips implanted in all members, and numerous forms of collateral, should they betray the foundation. Most commonly, a family member or loved one is used for this.

The necessity of Detachment Zero often remains a controversial subject amongst the 05 Council, with many wishing that it be dissolved so as not to repeat past mistakes.

Detachment Zero is organized into specialized sabre squadrons. Examples include:

RED SQUADRON: Long-Range Recon
BLACK SQUADRON: Political Assassination & Sabotage
GOLD SQUADRON: Direct-Action & Militia Training.
BLUE TEAM: Training & Selection

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