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Sean Hannity 2/21/21 FULL | FOX BREAKING NEWS February 21,21

Published on 21 Feb 2021 / In Film & Animation

Sean Hannity 2/21/21
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KEEPER 4 years ago

yep, Biden took his sweet ass time helping the ppl who were out of power and in need of help.
just like before the election, he's clearly not all there and the corrupt democrats voted this moron in because vote blue no matter who, and Biden is against their best interests.

if you have been paying attention, a lot of ppl who within the past few years have recently left commiefornia have left to Texas. and they fucked themselves in the ass voting for this Lunatic old man. the majority of these idiot ppl were democrats who were only interested in living in an state with lower taxes, but then elon musk decided to move which caused more of these morons to follow him there.

Texas was a red state before this all happened, but i fully expect they will make Texas the new commiefornia blue shit hole state like they did with commiefornia, the cancer keeps spreading.

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Max_Dominate 4 years ago

The people that came for the harvest took jobs from people who were already citizens. All the compassion in the world is a smoke screen for changing the demographic to insure Democrats seed their own voting base...even though they rig elections anyway.

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