Security Expert Exposes Serious Threats To President Trump's Life
Published on 09 Nov 2024 / In
Security Expert Exposes Serious Threats To President Trump's Life & Warns Of Election False Flags
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Guy is wearing a Jesus cross while he worships a Pontius Pilate = a politician.
Did you forget the 1st and 2nd Commandments?
Did you forgot when he paid Stormy Daniels to cheat on his spouse and admits fault? His what? Sixth official wife he has now? Or is it the 66th wife?
It's just another con artist bro. One with more Charisma than the others.
Also for you InfoWars men. You all worship women and therefore it makes no sense why you support team red. Because team red = men. Team blue = women. That's all it is. Men vs women. You're falling right into the their social engineering trap to break up the family unit of God. Churches need to pay their property taxes correct? So your wives can get free welfare to buy more shoes. The Tenth Commandment applies to women obviously.
The Sixth Commandment. But it's totally acceptable to murder if you work for the Gov military to make a profit coveting the goods of foreign countries.
Take that cross off already. Get yourself a Satanic symbol instead because you voted for anyone. While you disregard the average man carpenter neighbor who isn't wearing a fancy suit.
OK? My life is in danger because of Gov taxes leading to crime and poverty. Trump needs more coke and hookers after all. So does Hunter Biden who's high-fiving Trump as they squander our stolen wealth on Sins. Gluttony for example.
Oh no a ruling class squatter might die. What will the military cucks do without a master to give zhem ze orders? Now if only all the useless royalty squatters would go extinct we could have freedom and prosperity while the useless welfare poor class dies out. Because Trump just like all the others taxes average men so he can buy his daughter a new car for free. Or his hoe wife that looks like a Martian or a Sectoid. The worst part is Trump is apparently the best of the worst. A total cuck who pays porn stars for vaginal access. A beta male who simply has Charisma to manipulate other men out of their money so he can rent porn stars. He should simply stick to comedy and make his own media company. Fuck the Gov. What are you a helpless child? A woman? A man does not need Gov at all. It people don't work they starve, it's that simple. With Gov we have useless squatters reproducing while the responsible working men are paying for it. With Gov we have abortion clinics so women can behave as hoes. With Gov we have camera surveillance state while our roads are in disrepair. With Gov we have malfunctioning LED "Smart" street lights made in China instead of America. Because companies set up shop overseas so they don't have to hire useless Americans on welfare. Also to escape USA business taxes. With Gov you have to give up all your gold and get on the railcar with a gold star on your driver's license. That's a serious thing now look it up. The Gold Star on the license lol. But apparently I'm the Nazi because I like anime and Esdeath's costume.
Best of all with the Gov the police are arresting fathers, husbands, and boyfriends to unjustly simp for women. But the cops ignore the ghetto part of town where all the real crime is coming from. Without Gov the Good men of their local area can clean up the streets Death Wish style.
With Gov I refuse to date, marry, or reproduce. Import more migrants to be future idiot slaves. I won't condemn a child to a birth certificate brand, Social Security number branding, tagged with farm animals vaccines that hurt them more than help, and will have to pay taxes to the kings and queens when they suffer as adults.
You people have serious celeb culture addictions. None of these business suit squatters work anywhere. They just steal the productive outputs of working men who are then left in poverty with no will to live or have families.
Is Trump going to ban abortions? No. How about can rap music culture to reduce national crime and Idiocracy? Nope. Is he going to tax the working men and squander their wealth on hookers? Yes. A good reason to avoid having a daughter in America. It's N Korea already IMO. Money and fake gods are more important than family and wholesome community prayer.
Real men don't wear business suits and shoulderpads compensating for weak beta male shoulder girth. I only vote to support men who have real jobs that require real suffering/sacrifice. None of this internet nonsense either. Amazing how many internet cucks want to deepthroat another man and support him. But the average guy who fixes your roof? Oh he's just a laborer and and a loser correct? Until this perspective changes the human species is not worth living with or procreating more Idiocracy humans.
OMG OMG - The end is nigh......
I don't know what is worse, the Jew Ring Licker getting blasted into oblivion, or the 3 billion people he's murdered with the Jew Jab.
Fuck Trump - The Mass Murdering, Lying, Two Faced, Shitty Actor.
The real enemies? It's Globohomo! It's always been since the beginning of mankind: The demonic. The Synagogue of Satan both Old Testament God El Elohim of Israel and Himself in Cosplay had warned us of them along with Big Pharma or "potions" in the New Testament. The New Testament was written in Greek, and the word for potion was "pharma." Are you seeing the history now?