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Seeing patterns in life

Published on 18 Mar 2021 / In Film & Animation

im about to upload more videos on patterns i see in life

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

This was one of best videos yet. I love these 20+ minute long videos when you do them. Excellent, brush. Bravo. Encore!! Everything in it was on point.

Please do more passionate and pertinent videos like this. I'll boost them!

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mrghoster 4 years ago

Have you heard of "The Gaussian Curve"? The Gaussian curve is the point at which a Civilization or Culture passes a point of NO return. We have gone past that point. It happened in ancient Greece, Rome, Mayan's and many more. It happens when the "female" or "Gynocentric" element of that culture takes hold. as I say exactly the same thing happened with Greece and Rome when the female and the sexual perversion in the civilization took over.

Don't get me wrong? I'm NO Nihilist, BUT please guy's get your selves in a place where you can cope. Preferably "alone" if possible? What is coming if history is anything to go by, the only fucker you need to be responsible for is "YOU". The last thing you need is fefail baggage, because if you do have that baggage it will sooner stab you in the back to get what it want's. I'm thankfully blessed with the ability to be alone and comfortable with that. I've been Married many years ago, even had a kid, a kid that now an adult , female and was loved and given everything now no longer even contacts here Father.

So guy's get ready for whatever the fuck is coming, you are going to need your wit's about you? Peace.

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mrghoster 4 years ago

Narcissist's will pull you into their lives rather than you invite then in? If you are not on gaurd 24/7 it can suddenly happen just like that. as a MGFTOW Monk narcissist's are no longer a problem. I've studied Psychopathy for over 25 years now and I'm glad I did.

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Think or Die
Think or Die 4 years ago

The Eurhythmics had a song about this. "Sweet dreams are made of these.......some of them want to use you, some of them want to be used- some of them want to abuse you, some of them want to be abused." I always say that they want an orange tree for apple seeds. The life of stimulation - the "Lorraine Bates Syndrome".

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