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Seemlessly Interchangeable - Thomas Sheridan - NEW post.

Published on 13 Mar 2022 / In Film & Animation

This video take a look at the seemless way THEY! are sliding into different things? Like the ?Covid in many Countries especially ENGL:AND has become this weeks Chip Paper as we used to say and hoe everything has now very quickly it would seem? slipped into the Ukrine thing, which actually hasn't just happened it has been on the books for a few weeks now. This in my opinion is typical of the political Psychopath? tyhis is what Psychopaths do. they change everything at the drop of a hat with no remorse of thought for the danage they have caused? they want YOU to follow their latest infatuation or memeby lying through their teeth via the Lame stream Media, and then when it all fallsd apart they WILL blame YOU, to justify what they do. the strangest thing is it seems like supernatural or Magick with a "K", like you feel you have slipped dimension's, but that is an illusion they create not intentionally either? This Clown Planet is so insane and fragmented now to ,the point where even the simple act of getting something you bought or booked cant be completed? I know many people have believed in religion for millennia on hearsay, but I'm starting to believe that everything is just maybe a broken Computer game! lol!

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