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Nofap - TheRedKnight

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Semen Energy Influences The World Around You

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Published on 04 Mar 2023 / In People & Blogs

A discussion on the semen energy and how it effects the universe around you.

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

Hmmmm. What a load of shit. This might be MK Ultra... Trust in God (of Israel) not the Universe: The Universe is just a construct. Whatever he is smoking, I think I need some. Seriously, Blue Balls is the Universe expanding inside me? You can have it: I'm going with the flow bro...

No, he's wrong again about semen retention: Two things here. It's not abstinence in essence that allows creativity: That creativity exists because of the absence of nagging bitches! Sweden has these whore houses or public sex houses where the women lay on a bench separated by a wooden wall sort of like a slide with access only to her ass and vagina where you can have your way with her ass or vagina-- apparently you pay to get in. Do your deed and then go home and work alone in tranquility. Now, there are two caveats here. Constantly thinking and presumably having sex generates more sexual thoughts and tensions emoting you to have more sex. Second caveat besides sexually and communicable diseases, how to put this: If you never had icecream, you won't crave icecream, same with cake or chocolate. However, we crave pussy-- fucking hormones man. However, that libido, sexual energy in case you do not know, can be refocused on other "tasks." This was what some arcane Druid magic(k) or rituals proclaimed to do-- siphon libido and focus it towards a goal. You can do that as a virgin by pushing sex out of your mind and putting your body to work, say working out or focusing on tasks such as sports. It does make you more aggressive especially if you are isolated from women, pheromone producing women. Women calm us with their pheromones and their sex causing changes in our metabolism. (Pheromones on women are signals or byproducts of their monthly cycles. Their twenty-eight day cycles need our masculine pheromones to stabilize their menstrual flows.)

Second, as a youth both before and during the hormonal changes of puberty, my creativity was it greatest. This may be a byproduct of my two deaths and recovering from them, but I think the Romans had a better belief more consistent. When we are young, as babies, we are hotter to touch and as we grow old we get colder-- sort of like loosing our heat. There's that famous sphinx riddle: "What walks on four legs, and then two,and then finally three? Man: First we crawl, then walk upright, and then we walk as a crone with a cane. The infants are hotter due to brown fat which regulates their temperature better and at higher temperature for optimal enzyme activity needed for growth. This is why the Growth Hormone heats up our bodies when released by the Thyroid gland. Then, again, maybe it was adulting that killed or limited my creativity, but I found, adversity and problems fueled my creativity to find solutions, resolutions, and work arounds. However, I think is bitches that kill imagination with their constant nagging and "Entertain me you fucking monkey I'm bored!"

Damn. Sorry for novelette! I just woke up and my thoughts are the freshest and unfiltered. "Does this (insert clothing) make my ass look fat?" No. Your ass is fat. Bend over, let's burn off some calories. (Unfortunately, it did not go as it does in my head?! Who would have thought?)

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TheRedKnight 2 years ago

This video isn't mine, but thanks for your opinion all is welcome :^>

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