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Nofap - TheRedKnight

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Semen Retention: Sexual Energetic Intelligence of God (Energetic Consequences of Sins)

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Published on 16 Aug 2023 / In People & Blogs

#semenretention #nofap #celibacy #sexualenergy #godsmessage

Many retainers forget the psychological part of semen retention which plays a huge impact in terms of energy. This video explains how semen retention is the key to the kingdom of heaven and the impurities that are tremendous factors on hindering the benefits of the practice, which ultimately prevents us from accessing god's intelligence or consciousness.


Some links you might like:

Swami Sivenanda (Kundalini Yoga):

Sadhguru (Chakras Explained in Depth):

Beautiful Story on Meditation and Lust and Kundalini:

In-Depth explanation on Pride, Fear, Envy etc.


If you have any queries and would like guidance, contact us at:




Video Chapters:

00:00 - Introduction

00:52 - Unseen Forces of Creation

02:06 - The Sleeping Power of God (The Kundalini)

04:39 - Consequences of Negative Emotions

06:16 - Consequences of Orgasm and Desires

08:08 - Main Teachings


Thank you all very much!!!

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

I was the first one like twenty years ago who said the chakras were over essential glands. I noticed this as I was a premed student and military medic during some History of Science courses I took and having been much more into meditations and fucking witches earlier before college coming out of the military.

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

Interesting idea... this semen retention keeps coming back up. Perhaps, there is an energy to virgins and their purity... that would explain why a lot of "people" or things want go destroy that purity. However, the framework seems sound, but there are some error.

First of all, we were not kicked out of the Garden of Eden, rather Paradiso Eiden-- a walled garden (by mountains on more than one side in the mountains of Iraq, Seven Gorges (or mountain passes) to Paradise (paradiso.)) for having sex: Man was kicked our for lying. The problem was Adam after being depressed simped for his Helpmeet Eve. Adam did have sex often with Lilith: The problem was Lilith wanted to be on top claiming they were equal having been born together at the same time (Genesis Book 1 perhaps-- Go Forth and multiply.) Book 2 was after the Creation (which the story is out of an island in Egypt in the Nile River Hellenespot I believe-- it was s Sun Temlple-- The Jews, the Greeks, and the Egyptians have the same story-- the sequence of creation... in the original texts, God of Israel only uses "creates" three times, man and sea monsters are two of that three.

The AlphaBet of Ben Suri I want to say, but Ben Suri might be the Temple from which it was recovered. Also present in Egypt during the Jews inhabitation, was the image of God's wife the Tree of Life Ashereh, they drew a triangle representing her vagina with a tree growing out of her vagjayjay. Ashtorah of the Canaanites is a witch goddess derivative of her, sort of like Hecate as a witch version of Greek Artemis or Roman Diana. The Canaanites are the historic Phoencians. Anyways, Lilith left Adam and God, the first divorce, because Adam would not let her be on top during sex. So, one question, why was man and woman nude all the time and having sex likely in God's plain view? Second, all of God (of Israel) and angels' images are male...where did the female image come from, well that was Ashereh-- a place called Luz (it's in The Bible Genesis actually) when Jacob fled after stealing Eom, the Father of the Edomites, he stole his older brother's "blessing" from Isaac (Abraham's son) blind at this time by pretending to be the brother. Eom or was it Eau-- I'll have to double check-- they keep respelling it was told to go hunting and serve Isaac dinner, and he would receive his father's blessing. Jacob's mom told Jacob to trick Isaac to get the blessing. When he fled his furious brother, he slept at a ritual site for God-Goddess fertility cults at Luz. He dreamed his God of Israel (this was before he became Israel, He who Struggles with God, which he did both physically and later mentally as he face life challenges-- talk about pushing dual meanings!) Jacob arose and placed the stone he used as a pillow to make the place "Holy" because His God was known there... God of Israel and Ashereh. Why is this relevant? Well, they renamed it and later the Jews after leaving Egypt the Exodus and Mount Sinai parked their Ark of the Covenant here until Solomon finished the Syagoue Temple.

Lilith is often identified as the Owl Lady, but I don't think that is who she was. The Ancient Iraqis ie Babylonians (and later Persians) did not like women thinkers so she was demonized. She did die and become the mother of monsters in Hell, but the OwlLady maybe connected to an older "Goddess" or Demon-- the "Ladies of the Night," not a good phrase. If you seen the animated Beowolf, he does fuck her-- the lady of the night, a good approximation. The Lullaby is literally Latin for Lilu Abai "Lilith Go Away." These Ladies of the Night were known for what we call Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (though TFM thinks this is single moms killing their crying babies to get some sleep) and well "our wet dreams" as they steal semen from sleeping men in the desert. You could say they evolved into concubines, or at least our concept of them evolved.

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