Send in the Hamster | Grunt Speak Live
No one calls it like it is quite like a Ginger Hamster. James Von Maxwell guests hosts.
Originally aired on December 26, 2020.
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The Hegelian Dialectic
- problem, reaction, solution
I think we can agree that the Kung-Flu Hoax was a deliberate diversion to control the narrative of a predetermined global deflationary event. (The Great Reset)
Which had everything to do with a collapsing global fiat system, and if left to
decompose naturally, whole governments around the world would have been toppled.
This is a False Flag providing cover for the collapse of the global fiat system.
Yes, the virus is real (the annual flu) with a 99% survival rate. BUT yet the ill-informed are submitting to an experimental injection, multi-national organizations leading lambs to the slaughter… Those same multi-nationals that own the media & our politicians coordinate the message to over hype the reality of its effects; it is no more than a ploy… PLEASE open your eyes!!!
This is a simple fear porn story being played out for the public's benefit...
What they don't know will not hurt them, so let them bicker amongst themselves while
the plantation masters build an even more impressive jail to keep and train the
I am pretty sure this was the plan from the beginning... fiat has only ever run
for 45 years, and we are at the end of this ride...
Hey, I think this would be a great topic for you to research –- NEW LINK --- I have had to edit this link 3x ; they are going out of their way to keep this quiet!!!
It sounds like popp needs to detox , go on Init fasting + Keto
without boos, boobs or stress for 6 months