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Send in the Hamster | Grunt Speak Live


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Published on 09 Apr 2021 / In Entertainment

⁣No one calls it like it is quite like a Ginger Hamster. James Von Maxwell guests hosts.
Originally aired on December 26, 2020.

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fishandchicks 4 years ago

The Hegelian Dialectic
- problem, reaction, solution
I think we can agree that the Kung-Flu Hoax was a deliberate diversion to control the narrative of a predetermined global deflationary event. (The Great Reset)

Which had everything to do with a collapsing global fiat system, and if left to
decompose naturally, whole governments around the world would have been toppled.

This is a False Flag providing cover for the collapse of the global fiat system.
Yes, the virus is real (the annual flu) with a 99% survival rate. BUT yet the ill-informed are submitting to an experimental injection, multi-national organizations leading lambs to the slaughter… Those same multi-nationals that own the media & our politicians coordinate the message to over hype the reality of its effects; it is no more than a ploy… PLEASE open your eyes!!!

This is a simple fear porn story being played out for the public's benefit...

What they don't know will not hurt them, so let them bicker amongst themselves while
the plantation masters build an even more impressive jail to keep and train the

I am pretty sure this was the plan from the beginning... fiat has only ever run
for 45 years, and we are at the end of this ride...


Hey, I think this would be a great topic for you to research –- NEW LINK --- I have had to edit this link 3x ; they are going out of their way to keep this quiet!!!

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charliebrownau 4 years ago

It sounds like popp needs to detox , go on Init fasting + Keto
without boos, boobs or stress for 6 months

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

That's exactly what he needs. Lol but you can't tell that to many people from his generation; they think a young person giving them truthful advice somehow makes them look bad, and it can't be considered. Talking with many fellow Gen Z and Millennials, they think that's an obvious solution to most disease, in my experiences. The older generatins think they can continue to put garbage in their body, take a bunch of poisonous quack-doctor pills, and they think things will get better somehow. Most of them have very little actual discipline when it comes to the trash they shovel into their mouths or the cheap, piss-quality 'beer' that they pour in their mouths. They outright refuse to actually take responsibility for how they ruin their own health. Lol but they'll spew out all kinds of complaints and accusations and criticisms of young people continuously while they destroy their health and quality of life before retirement.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 4 years ago

@Johnny_Cage: I'm guilty myself of the shit I get down my throat. That said, I was able to raise my testosterone level from 2019 to 2021, and all the other lvls are good or very good. I'll die of cancer anyway. But alcohol... fuck it, I make my own booze, no nasty chemicals there. I'm growing my own tree so I can have my own fruit, and the other fruits, I'll pick them myself from someone else's trees. I don't get drunk, rarely it happens, but if it happens, is because I'm enjoying it.

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

@TheManInside: Yeah, and I'm not even saying that one should not have any alcohol. I'm in shape, muscular, etc. because I control and monitor the QUALITY of the food and alcohol I intake. Moderation is key in everything. For example, I eat a balanced diet with quality lean meats, potatoes, and vegetables, and also beans sometimes. I also have been known to drink every night, for weeks or a month on end, when I feel like it. The quality of the alcohol is key: no cheap sugars and artificial shit; that stuff makes the negatives effects of the alcohol magnified by like 10 or 20 times. I drink high-quality mezcal [like tequila, but stronger and all natural, but more expensive and harder to make], natural dark rum, and homemade 50-65% ABV apple-jack [haven't had any since moving from Florida]. The quality and nutrient-richness makes all the difference with your health and vitality.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 4 years ago

@Johnny_Cage: I try, but it's hard, to eat the least amount of vegetables I can. It ruins my skin. That Jordan Peterson diet does work. Last time I drank commercial alcohol, it tasted like bleach. Once one gets used to quality, is impossible to not reject shit. I lost just under 10kg with better eating habits alone. Still out of shape, but seriously considering going back to the sea again. Bicycle and motorcycle riding is not enough, recently went back to playing drums, but I just don't enjoy it as I used to. When I stop playing drums in my early 30's I did feel the weight go up. I got an "invitation" to give it a go at the sea again, and although I don't really like anything related to the sea on a board, I may not sell my kayak. There was a 55 year bloke there with a fucking body... I wish I had that body. Lean and defined muscles. That really inspired me.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 4 years ago


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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

Lol Amen, bruh. It's sad, isn't it?

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

Blake's "find a woman you hate and buy her a house" joke is actually from a popular comedian. Perhaps he 'forgot' to reference the actual source, so I've done it for him! Funny how that works.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 4 years ago

@Johnny_Cage: where's Rogan when you need him? :D

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kingtongue 4 years ago


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