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? SETUP GALORE ! "Take Our Border Back Convoy" ?

Published on 29 Jan 2024 / In Film & Animation

The take our border back convoy is a straight setup
I hope truckers participating, as well as all citizens, are SUPER AWARE

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KEEPER 1 year ago  

if this is a setup it still might start a civil war in this country.

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Yeah I hope it's not a setup however they need to do what the French farmers did to win shoot cow shit all over politicians offices and homes and make them submit and follow your demands

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sauger1001 1 year ago

Just like 1/06/20 in D.C.

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KEEPER 1 year ago

@sauger1001: i got to be honest, i was almost convinced this time, even if i'm disabled i was thinking of going to the border lol, but damn sometimes we need these reminders, and i'm afraid to say but this is likely to be yet another J6 move and a lot of people are going to be arrested, and that ABBOT guy he's apart of this whole show, apparently he was all for the BLM bullshit riots, i didn't know this, but i'm glad people do their research on these things because if they didn't we would never know, but i have the feeling a shit load of people are about to get screwed and it's going to turn into this big thing that will be talked about for months and months a J6 2.0 but i suppose it would be called J29th or whatever bullshit they call it.

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sauger1001 1 year ago

@KEEPER: I wasn't sure either, but that proves how corrupt and deceptive the government is, at ALL levels. My ministers remind me regularly that we're in The Last Days. Satan's time is short, and for now, he's still "the god of this world (2Cor. 4:4), until The Creator returns to "clean house". Though I don't agree with EVERYTHING they say, InfoWars is pretty informative about what's going on today, and what might happen tomorrow. Only a suggestion, nothing more.

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sauger1001 1 year ago

@KEEPER: Studying Scripture regularly also helps.

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sauger1001 1 year ago

@sauger1001: Just My Opinion.

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@KEEPER: yeah that's the same guy abbot however I thought he might have gotten scared and seen the light and gone back to Jesus and God and give him the benefit of the doubt and perhaps he has changed his ways however he is an actor and like Red pill on steroids said protests won't do anything unless your willing to go all the way otherwise learn to prep and not be on the governments tit

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@KEEPER: at the end of the day God is all that matters and this could very be a scam and set up however I doubt they have space in their prisons to lock up and feed 1/10th of that 700,000 people estimated going, 100,0000 or 250,0000 Texans Locked up yeah right unless that's what they want so they can get rid of them and have illegals take over their homes. Wouldn't surprise me if that's the play here. \G/

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KEEPER 1 year ago

@sauger1001: yeah I know what you mean, studying scripture does help, I've been somebody who pays attention to Revelation a lot of the time, even through the church that I grew up in I have seen many things coming to this ending crisis, but there are things also happening that the scripture doesn't talk about, I understand you can only put so much information especially if people of that time, and a lot of things in the scriptures can be very hard to understand given your knowledge base or level of understanding the concepts, I at least try to pay attention to that information.

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KEEPER 1 year ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: the theory is this will be grounds to start martial law, where everyone in the country becomes a prisoner in their own States neighborhoods everywhere you go, so you're right that there will be no prison large enough for all these people, however they can turn your own State your neighborhood into a prison if they wanted to, it'd be like Nazi Germany on steroids because now they have so much surveillance and our cell phones pretty much tell us or tell everyone where we are at all times and it logs all the information they it's going to be a trap.

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sbseed 1 year ago

even if it is fake or a complete setup, that is fine with me... the "gov." and traitors need to be removed...
they want a civil war, give it to em...

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sauger1001 1 year ago

10:00. Those service personnel who showed logic, and chose NOT to get the jab, were the ones shown the door, yet these upper echelon clowns "wonder" why their quotas aren't being met. Good luck with trying to train the faggots, carpet munchers and trannies. SMFH.

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Exactly. That's where I agree with the incels or no pussy no work movement with let them faggotts fight on the front line as we are not dying for them to feel safe and fuck each other while you deny us from getting laid and tell us we are white supremacists. So yeah they can go fuck themselves.

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sauger1001 1 year ago

4:35. Ray Epps is the person (Fed! Fed! Fed!) to whom you're referring, that "encouraged" people to "move forward".

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Spray fake border patrol fake feds fake CIA and whoever else want to ruin Texas border with Cow Shite like the French Farmers did and no feds or Leo's will want to fuck with Texas.

God willing Texas doesn't give in and it's not a setup, Texas all or nothing it's The Alamo 2.0

Godbless and Godspeed \G/

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KEEPER 1 year ago

honestly we should just line our border with all of our shit, that will get the illegal's to drop like flies all over the place, but then we have the sea borders, i suppose we could line these locations with shit as well, but they could come in through canada.

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@KEEPER: Just like how some freight ships have water cannons firing water at all times around the ship they should have some of those on the coastal border waters and spray the boats bringing in the illegals and that would stop them or they jump overboard to wash the smell out and drown at sea if they can't swim oh well at least word will get out They are not to messed with and give zero fucks so don't go there. Job done and borders and waters saved.

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KEEPER 1 year ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: or just change the whole narrative and tell them to go to the south pole and say we have amazing healthcare and free shit there lol, sure it's cold a shit but free shit everyone! come on down and get your free shit while it lasts.

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@KEEPER: Haha yeah that could work anything to get them away from America or western countries and not be a strain or take peoples taxes and then see how many survive the cold and if the Eskimos and polar bears don't finish them off :D

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