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Sex crimes are OVER reported, and false allegation statistics are staggering

Published on 07 Feb 2024 / In Film & Animation

Are sex crimes under or over reported? The answer is interesting. One false allegation of sexual assault is too many. Just ask the Duke LAX players what kind of impact false allegations had on their schooling, academics, athletic career, and life. But there is overwhelming evidence that false allegations of sexual assault happen, and far more often than anyone wants to believe. There are multiple studies that show sex crimes are the most under reported crime. But that is only half the story. Because at the same time there are even more studies that show sexual assault is also the most over reported crime, and by a large margin. The Department of Justice itself reports (in 2 studies done by the FBI), that false allegations of forced sexual assault are around 8%, FOUR TIMES higher than other violent crimes (which come in at 2%). That equates to almost 1 in 10 sexual assault allegations as being false. From a LAW ENFORCEMENT study. But the story does not end there. Studies done by academics put the figure of false reports as high as 40 to 50%. To review those studies, and find links to them, go to our website. Don’t become a statistic. If you are charged or threatened with a sexual assault allegation, call the sex crimes specialists at Satawa Law today. Defending your rights, protecting your future.

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Drums_McBashington 12 months ago

There was one of those Survivor Island type shows. Challenge: Obstacle Course. Had to shimmy themselves through a tube to get to the other side. Girl from losing team accuses guy from winning team of "inappropriate touching" while they're shimmying. Two girls, who weren't in the tube, or could see into the tube, immediately jump on board, supporting her accusation. ...because Feelings. The default setting of females is lie about everything, then lie some more.

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